A Study about B2C investment consulting service using Robo-Advisor: Case of AndByeond Investment Management

로보 어드바이저를 활용한 B2C 투자자문 서비스 연구: 앤드비욘드 투자자문 사례

  • 배한희 (연세대학교 투자정보공학협동과정) ;
  • 김영민 (순천향대학교, 빅데이터공학과) ;
  • 오경주 (연세대학교 산업공학과)
  • Received : 2017.12.27
  • Accepted : 2018.02.28
  • Published : 2018.03.31


The purpose of this case study is to analyze the B2C security information service model using the robo-advisor, to develop various service models and to urge new companies to enter. Overseas robo-advisor service market is growing rapidly with the launch of various B2C service models beyond B2B. On the other hand, as the domestic market is dominated by B2B services and serviced just index portfolio which is nascent, it lacks products which are used for active asset management. Recently as the government announced the approval of online investment advisory service, the B2C market of domestic asset management has entered a growth phase, centered on generations familiar with IT. We propose to extend the concept of Robo-Advisor service in accordance with the financial market change. By that model, we will study the case of the algorithm of the investment masters' philosophy and contribute to the expansion of the B2C service market.



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  29. 앤드비욘드투자자문.
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