Economic Effect of Local Feed Utilization in Korea

  • 투고 : 2018.12.03
  • 심사 : 2018.12.10
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


Rice straw is the principal forage for Korean cattle. Limited supply of domestic forage forces Korea to depend on imported forage. Utilizing locally available domestic feed as an alternative would lead to self-sufficiency and stability in cattle farm management. Locally available feed can be utilized as forage. The challenge of collecting local feed has been overcome by machines that have been developed to harvest feed. Local feed can be completely consumed in the production regions, thus reducing transportation costs and increasing price competitiveness. Hitherto, studies have focused on feed technologies and price competitiveness, among other factors, while the substitution of forage has not been examined. This study conducts a quantitative analysis to estimate the extent to which local feed can replace existing forage. We find that local feed is cheaper, and abundantly available, and can thus replace high-quality forage.


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Fig.1 Relationship of local feed with domestic and imported forage respectively

Table 1. Major agricultural by-products that can be utilized as forage

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Table 2. Disposal of major agricultural by-producta that can be utilized as forage

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Table 3. Major imported forage that can be replaced by local feed

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Table 4. Quality rating standard of domestic forage

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Table 5. Hay-centered forage quality ratings based on relative feed value (RFV)

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Table 6. Marginal rate of substitution of domestic rice straw with local feed

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Table 7. Marginal rate of substitution of domestic barley straw with local feed

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Table 8. Marginal rate of substitution of domestic wheat straw with local feed

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Table 9. Marginal rate of substitution of imported forage with local feed

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Table 10. Elasticity of substitution of domestic rice straw with local feed

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Table 11. Elasticity of substitution of domestic barley straw with local feed

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Table 12. Elasticity of substitution of domestic wheat straw with local feed

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Table 13. Price change response of imported ryegrass stalk with local feed

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