• De, Uday Chand (Department of Pure Mathematics University of Calcutta) ;
  • Majhi, Pradip (Department of Pure Mathematics University of Calcutta)
  • 투고 : 2017.04.17
  • 심사 : 2017.12.29
  • 발행 : 2018.03.01


In this paper we introduce a new tensor named semi-projective curvature tensor which generalizes the projective curvature tensor. First we deduce some basic geometric properties of semi-projective curvature tensor. Then we study pseudo semi-projective symmetric manifolds $(PSPS)_n$ which recover some known results of Chaki [5]. We provide several interesting results. Among others we prove that in a $(PSPS)_n$ if the associated vector field ${\rho}$ is a unit parallel vector field, then either the manifold reduces to a pseudosymmetric manifold or pseudo projective symmetric manifold. Moreover we deal with semi-projectively flat perfect fluid and dust fluid spacetimes respectively. As a consequence we obtain some important theorems. Next we consider the decomposability of $(PSPS)_n$. Finally, we construct a non-trivial Lorentzian metric of $(PSPS)_4$.



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