Fig. 1. Diagram of a common observation region.
Fig. 2. Conceptual diagram of radar observation according to storm movement in a coastal area.
Fig. 3. Type of the relative radar error.
Fig. 4. Weather radar sites applied and ground rain gauges in radar observation area.
Fig. 5. Radar beam diagram of the radar pairs.
Fig. 6. Radar rainfall field for each storm event.
Fig. 7. Correction of the radar-radar bias (SSP and PSN radars).
Fig. 9. Comparison results of Z-R relationship parameters resulted from the original and the proposed method.
Fig. 10. Comparison of the result from conventional QPE method and CRQPE method.
Fig. 11. Comparison results of QPE field for Southern Coast Area.
Fig. 8. Radar relative-reflectivity bias in real-time.
Table 1. Availability of observation facilities (gauge and weather radar) and Z-R relationship in real-time depending on stages.
Table 2. Characteristics of weather radars applied.
Table 3. Application storm events and its scenario to apply QPE in coastal area.
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