Simulating the Response of a 10-Storey Steel-Framed Building under Spreading Multi-Compartment Fires

  • Jiang, Jian (College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University) ;
  • Zhang, Chao (College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University)
  • 발행 : 2018.12.01


This paper presents a numerical investigation on the structural response of a multi-story building subjected to spreading multi-compartment fires. A recently proposed simple fire model has been used to simulate two spreading multi-compartment fire scenarios in a 10-story steel-framed office building. By assuming simple temperature rising and distribution profiles in the fire exposed structural components (steel beams, steel column and concrete slabs), finite element simulations using a three-dimensional structural model has been carried out to study the failure behavior of the whole structure in two multi-compartment fire conditions and also in a standard fire condition. The structure survived the standard fire but failed in the multi-compartment fire. Whilst more accurate fire models and heat transfer models are needed to better predict the behaviors of structures in realistic fires, the current study based on very simple models has demonstrated the importance and necessity of considering spreadingmulti-compartment fires in fire resistance design of multi-story buildings.


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Figure 1. Model of a 3D multi-storey moment resisting frame: (a) plan view; (b) finite element model. (Jiang and Li, 2017a).

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Figure 2. Heat release rate for each compartment.

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Figure 3. CFAST Numerical models.

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Figure 4. Predicted gas temperatures for different fire scenarios.

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Figure 5. Temperature-time history of steel members heated in the fire compartment.

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Figure 6. Collapse mode of the protected frame under spreading fires.

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Figure 7. Axial displacements of the columns in the source fire compartment under spreading fires.

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Figure 8. Collapse mode of the protected frames under standard fires.

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Figure 9. Axial displacements of the columns in the fire compartment under standard fires.


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