<그림 1> 시민들이 생산한 추모기록
<표 1> 대통령기록관 보유 기록 수량
<표 2> 해외 개별 대통령기록관 현황(정용오, 2011)
<표 3> 김대중도서관 사료 보유현황
<표 4> 김대중도서관 디지털 아카이브 보유현황
<표 5> 노무현사료관 사이트 내 추모기록
<표 6> 노무현 재단 소장 및 노무현 사료관 서비스 기록물 현황
<표 7> 김영삼 전 대통령 기념사업회
<표 8> 통합 대통령기록관과 민간 대통령기념관∙도서관의 비교
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- Kim, Geon, Kim, Tae Young, Bae, Sam Yeol, Lee, Eun Jin, & Kim, Yong (2013). A Study on the Development of Education Programs Using Presidential Archives Based on the Multiple Intelligence Theory. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 13(3), 99-125. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2013.13.3.099
- Kim, Sol (2013). Application of Online Contents of Presidential Archives in Elementary Education. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 13(1), 59-79. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2013.13.1.059
- Kim, Eun-Sil, Oh, Hyo-Jung, Choi, Min-Jung, & Kim, Yong (2017). A Study on the Development of Educational Programs Using the Presidential Archives for the Improvement of the Self-Esteem of Children from Multi-Cultural Families. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 17(2), 101-128. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2017.17.2.101
- Kim, Jisu (2008). A Scheme for Collecting Presidential Oral Histories - Focus on the Kim Daejung presidential oral history project -. a master's thesis. Department of Archival Science, The Graduate School of Archival Science Myongji University.
- Kim, Jihyun (2013). A Study on Research Services of Presidential Archives in Korea. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 13(2), 201-225. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2013.13.2.201
- Kim, Jin su (2016). A Study on Collecting Strategy of Cherish Paper - Focusing on Cherish Paper of the Ship Sewol-ho Catastrophe -. a master's thesis. Department of Information & Record Management, The Graduate School of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
- Kim, Tae Young, Kim, Geon, Shim, Gab-Yong, & Kim, Yong (2014). A Study on the Methods to Improve the Research Support Service in Presidential Archives. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 14(2), 83-115. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2014.14.2.083
- The Presidential Archives of Korea (2011). Presidential Records Online Content Mid- and Long-Term Development Plan. Sejong the Great: Presidential Archives.
- The Presidential Archives of Korea (2013). 2013 Online Content Development Plan. Sejong the Great: Presidential Archives.
- The Presidential Archives of Korea (2015). A Study on the Presidential Records Management System. Sejong the Great: Presidential Archives. Sejong the Great: Presidential Archives.
- The Presidential Archives of Korea (2018). A Study on the Individual Presidential Archives Model and System Improvement. Sejong: Presidential Archives. Sejong the Great: Presidential Archives.
- Bang, Ki Yeong, Lee, Neung Geum, Lee, Yu Jin, Han, Ah Rang, & Kim, Yong (2015). A Study on Evaluation Model Development and Improvement of Web-Archival Information Service. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 15(4), 25-48. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2015.15.4.025
- Son, Sung-Ho (2008). A Study on the Ways of Collecting Presidential Records in Private Possession. A master thesis. Department of Information and Records Management, The Graduate School of Hankook University of Foreign Studies.
- Song, Na-Ra, Lee, Sung Min, Kim, Yong, & Oh, Hyo-Jung (2017). A Study on Development of Education Program Using Presidential Archives for the Free Learning Semester. The Korean Journal of Archival Studies, (51), 89-132.
- Song, Na-ra, Jang, Hyo-Jeong, Choi, Hyo-Young, Kim, Chong-Hyuck, & Kim, Yong (2016). A Study on the Development of an Experiential Exhibition Program for Children about Presidential Archives Based on the Experience Economy (4Es). Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 16(1), 9-40. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2016.16.1.009
- Shim, Gab-Yong, Lim, Ji-Hoon, Park, Jong-Ok, Song, Na-Ra, Jang, Hyo-Jeong, & Kim, Yong (2015). A Study on the Development of Education Service Models Using Presidential Archives based on Ubiquitous Technology. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 15(1), 127-155. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2015.15.1.127
- Shim, Chang Sup & Jeong, Chul (2015). Dark Tourism and Death: A Grounded Theory Approach on Bongha Villiage. Journal of Tourism Sciences, 39(5), 11-26.
- Eom, JiEun (2017). Improvement plans for online exhibitions in the Presidential Archives of Korea. A master thesis. Department of Archival Science, Graduate School, Kyoungpook National University Daegu, Korea.
- Lee, Wan Soo & Yoo, Jae Woong (2012). Online Memorials: Representing the Deaths of South Korean Presidents Roh Moo-Hyun and Kim Dae-Jung. Korean Journalism Association, 57(2), 80-101.
- Lee, Jae-Na, Yoo, Hyeon-Gyeong, & Kim, Geon (2015). A Study on Exhibition of Presidential Archives Using Storytelling. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 15(3), 87-114. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2015.15.3.087
- Lee, Jeong Hyeon, Lee, Youn Yong, Bang, Ki Young, & Kim, Yong (2015). A Study on the Extension of Archival Information Service Based on Linked Open Data in the Presidential Archives. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 15(2), 55-82. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2015.15.2.055
- Rieh, Hae-Young (2011). Analysis and Utilization of Search Terms in Archival Web Sites: A Case Study of Korean Presidential Archives. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 11(1), 93-112.
- Lee, Hyewon & Rieh, Hae-young (2015). Tour Program in Archives: Case Study for the Presidential Archives. Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, 15(3), 219-245. https://doi.org/10.14404/JKSARM.2015.15.3.219
- Jang, Hyo-Jeong, Song, Na-Ra, Choi, Hyo-Young, & Kim, Yong (2015). A Study on Development of Experience Education Model Based on GI Cooperative Learning in the Presidential Archives. Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science, 26(3), 51-81. https://doi.org/10.14699/kbiblia.2015.26.3.051
- Jeong, Sang-hwa (2008). Acquisition Strategy of President Related Records -Focused on President Lee Seung-man's Record Case. A master's thesis. Department of English, Graduate School Chungnam National University Daejon, Korea.
- Jeong, Yong-oh (2011). A study on the building individual presidential archives of records. A master's thesis. Major in Records & Archives Management Department of Records & Archives Graduate School, Chung-Ang University.
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- Choi, Min Hui, Choi, Jung Won, Han, Hye Won, & Kim, Yong (2016). A Study on Method to Develop Mobile Contents for G-learning Using the Presidential Archives Based on Digital Storytelling Method. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 50(1), 261-284. https://doi.org/10.4275/KSLIS.2016.50.1.261
- Choi, JungWon, Gang, JuYeon, Park, JunHyeong, & Oh, Hyo-Jung (2016). A Study on Social Media Usage of Government Archival Services and Users' Interestedness: Focused on "National Archives of Korea" and "Presidential Archives." Journal of the Korean Society for information Management, 33(2), 135-156. https://doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2016.33.2.135
- 국가기록원 http://www.archives.go.kr/next/viewMain.do
- 김대중도서관 https://www.kdjlibrary.org
- 김영삼대통령기록전시관 http://www.kysarchives.or.kr/
- 노무현사료관 http://www.knowhow.or.kr/
- 대통령기록관 http://pa.go.kr/portal/com/viewMainPage.do
- 박정희대통령기념관 http://www.presidentparkchunghee.org/
- 박정희대통령전자도서관 http://www.parkchunghee.or.kr