A Study on the Syntagma & Paradigm by Repetition, Variation and Contrast in Ads

  • Received : 2017.06.08
  • Accepted : 2017.06.29
  • Published : 2017.09.30


This study is the academic work to explore the potential meanings of print advertisements. Linguistic features such as repetition, variation, contrast and phonological structure in the verbal texts of ads can give rise to shades-of-meaning or slight variations in advertising. The language of advertising is not only language in words. It is also a language in images, colors, and pictures. Pictures and words combine to form the advertisement's visual text.. While the words are very important in delivering the sales message, the visual text cannot be ignored in advertisements. Forming part of the visual text is the paralanguage of the ad. Paralanguage is the meaningful behaviour accompanying language, such as voice quality, gestures, facial expressions and touch in speech, and choice of typeface and letter sizes in writing. Foregrounding is the throwing into relief of the linguistic sign against the background of the norms of ordinary language. This paper focuses its discussion on the advertisements within the framework of the paradigmatic and the syntagmatic relationship. The sources of ads have been confined to Malboro. The ads were reselected based on purposive sampling methods.
