하늘시계지수 비교 및 도시기온 상관성 연구: 강남 선정릉지역을 중심으로

A Study on a Comparison of Sky View Factors and a Correlation with Air Temperature in the City

  • 이채연 (한국외국어대학교 차세대도시농림융합기상사업단) ;
  • 신이레 (한국외국어대학교 차세대도시농림융합기상사업단) ;
  • 안승만 (국토연구원 주택.토지연구본부)
  • Yi, Chaeyeon (Weather Information Service Engine Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ;
  • Shin, Yire (Weather Information Service Engine Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ;
  • An, Seung Man (Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements)
  • 투고 : 2017.10.24
  • 심사 : 2017.12.15
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


Sky view factor can quantify the influence of complex obstructions. This study aims to evaluate the best available SVF method that represents an urban thermal condition with land cover in complex city of Korea and also to quantify a correlation between SVF and mean air temperature; the results are as follows. First, three SVF methods comparison result shows that urban thermal study should consider forest canopy induced effects because the forest canopy test (on/off) on SVF reveals significant difference range (0.8, between maximum value and minimum value) in comparison with the range (0.1~0.3) of SVFs (Fisheye, SOLWEIG and 3DPC) difference. The significance is bigger as a forest cover proportion become larger. Second, R-square between SVF methods and urban local mean air temperature seems more reliable at night than a day. And as the value of SVF increased, it showed a positive slope in summer day and a negative slope in winter night. In the SVF calculation method, Fisheye SVF, which is the observed value, is close to the 3DPC SVF, but the grid-based SWG SVF is higher in correlation with the temperature. However, both urban climate monitoring and model/analysis study need more development because of the different between SVF and mean air temperature correlation results in the summer night period, which imply other major factors such as cooling air by the forest canopy, warming air by anthropogenic heat emitted from fuel oil combustion and so forth.



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