A Study on Typological Changes of Renovated Bukchon Hanok Windows - Focused on Non-Dwelling Hanok Registered Hanok-Registration System in 2001 -

북촌 리노베이션 한옥 창호의 유형과 변이에 관한 연구 - 2001년 한옥등록제 대상 비주거용 한옥을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2017.09.14
  • Accepted : 2017.11.23
  • Published : 2017.12.31


Hanok in Bukchon was originally planned for residential buildings, but recently, there have been needs and wants to renovate and modernize the houses into some other purposes. Many researches exist with regard to hanok in Bukchon; yet, most previous studies focus on the spatial changes caused by the renovation of hanok. Only few studies have dealt with some component issues such as window. Nevertheless, window of hanok is an important aesthetic and functional element that determines unique characteristics of hanok. In the process of recent modernization and functional changes of hanok, its traditional design is also changing. In fact, Bukchon has been rapidly evolving for tourist attractions so that banok has been renovated in various commercial as well as cultural purposes. Many of residential hanok have been converted into other purposes such as cultural, commercial or non-residential facilities so that the role of windows should be changed accordingly. Analyzing windows of the renovated hanok in Bukchon, this study identifies changes in its types in accordance with the repurposing. It deals with windows of the non-residential hanok only. A total of 456 Bukchon hanok are included in the Bukchon Historical and Cultural Center in the Hanok Register of the Hanok Registration System, which was enforced in 2001. Although 381 out of 456 hanok have been repaired since 2001, only 68 non-resident Bukchon hanok of the repaired ones are selected and surveyed in this study.



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