고려시대 목조건축물의 상록하단(上綠下丹) 단청기법 수용

The Adaptation of Sangrokhadan Technique on the Color Painting of Wooden Buildings in the Goryeo Dynasty

  • 투고 : 2016.04.15
  • 심사 : 2016.09.04
  • 발행 : 2016.10.31


The color that painted on the ground of Dancheong becomes Gachil(basecoat)-Dancheong and underpainting of Moro-Dancheong or Geum-Dancheong. So, the color of underpainting is the most important element that determines impression of the building. Thus, the architecture after using "Sangrokhadan" has different characters from what it had been. In the existing perception toward the background color of Dancheong, it was considered the characters of Korean Dancheong so-called "Sangrokhadan" that paint vertical elements like columns red and upper part of the columns green. But this study examined the color of Dancheong according to the era and region before and after Goryeo Dynasty era, then it reveals that Sangrokhadan technique was applied from the 14th century in the late Goryeo Dynasty. One of the Goryeo architecture, Geungnakjeon Hall of Bongjeongsa Temple is thought to be a previous style that is not applied "Sangrokhadan" technique because old elements are painted red pigment.



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