Full System Chemical Decontamination Concept for Kori Unit 1 Decommissioning

고리1호기 해체시 전계통 화학제염 운전개념

  • Received : 2016.02.10
  • Accepted : 2016.03.29
  • Published : 2016.09.30


Kori Unit 1, the first PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) plant in Korea, began its commercial operation in 1978 and will permanently shut down on June 18, 2017. After moving the spent fuels to SFP (Spent Fuel Pool) system, Kori Unit 1 will perform a full system chemical decontamination to reduce radiation levels inside the various plant systems. This paper will describe the operation concept of the full system chemical decontamination for Kori Unit 1 based on experiences overseas.

국내 최초로 건설된 가압경수로형 발전소인 고리1호기는 1978년 4월 첫 상업운전을 개시하였고, 2017년 6월 18일 영구정지 될 계획이다. 고리1호기에서는 사용후핵연료가 사용후핵연료저장조로 모두 이송된 이후, 계통 표면의 선량율을 감소시키기 위한 목적으로 전계통 제염을 실시할 계획이다. 이 논문에서는 해외 원전의 계통제염 사례분석을 통해 국내 최초로 시행될 예정인 고리1호기의 계통제염 운전개념을 기술하고자 하였다.



  1. T.A. Beaman and J.L. Smee, Evaluation of the Decontamination of the Reactor Coolant Systems at Maine Yankee and Connecticut Yankee, EPRI Report, 23-71, TR-112092 (1999).
  2. R. McGrath, Jose Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant Full System Chemical Decontamination Experience Report, EPRI Report, 21-43, TR-1019230 (2009).
  3. G.Y. Park and C.L. Kim, "Chemical Decontamination Design for NPP Decommissioning and Considerations on its Methodology", Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, 13(3), 187-199 (2015).
  4. D.H. Lee, "Analysis of Basic Requirements for Kori-1 Full System Decontamination", KHNPCRI Report, 26-38, 2015-50003339-0488TC (2015).

Cited by

  1. The Assessment and Reduction Plan of Radiation Exposure During Decommissioning of the Steam Generator in Kori Unit 1 vol.16, pp.3, 2018,
  2. A Study on Segmentation Process of the K1 Reactor Vessel and Internals vol.17, pp.4, 2016,
  3. Flow Characteristics Analysis for the Chemical Decontamination of the Kori-1 Nuclear Power Plant vol.19, pp.1, 2016,