Preschoolers' Language Ability, Cognitive Ability, and Peer Relationships by Creative Thinking Group

유아의 창의적 군집유형에 따른 언어능력, 인지능력 및 또래관계에서의 차이

  • Received : 2016.04.30
  • Accepted : 2016.06.24
  • Published : 2016.06.30


Objective: This study explored the creative thinking styles of children according to cluster analyses and examined group differences in language ability, cognitive ability, and peer relationships. Methods: The study used the data from the 2012 Panel Study of Korean Children by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education. The participants comprised 1,681 4-year-olds. Data were analyzed via cluster analyses, ${\chi}^2$ distributions, and ANOVA tests. Results and Conclusion: The results from the cluster analyses based on percentiles of the subfactors of K-FCTYC (Korean Figural Creativity Test for Young Children) indicated four clusters: "divergent creative with openness," "non-creative," "divergent creative," and "multiple creative." Additionally, the four clusters differed by gender, language ability, cognitive ability, and peer relationships.



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