The Influence of College Students' Consumption Value on Consumer Attitudes Towards Environmental Awareness and Clothing Environmental Behavior

대학생의 소비가치가 환경의식 소비자태도와 환경 의생활행동에 미치는 영향

  • Park, Eun-Hee (Dept. of Home Economic Education, Secondary Institute of Education, Kyungbook National University)
  • 박은희 (경북대학교 가정교육과, 중등교육연구소)
  • Received : 2016.02.06
  • Accepted : 2016.10.03
  • Published : 2016.12.31


The object of this study is to find out the influence of college students' consumption value on consumer attitudes towards environmental awareness and clothing environmental behavior. Questionnaires were administered to 236 college students living in DaeguCity and Kyoungbuk province. Frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, and t-test were used for data analysis. Our findings are as follows. Consumption value of college students had factors as differentiated, consumption needs, utility, economies ostentation, others awareness, and belonging. Consumer attitudes towards environmental awareness were found as environmental importance, environmental product purchase, environmental product interest, and environmental action. Clothing environmental behavior were found as up cycle, buying eco-friendly clothing, active participation, saver purchase, and eco-friendly clothing management. The result of this study showed differentiated, others awareness, and belonging had significant effect of environmental product purchase and consumption needs, utility, and belonging had significant effect of environmental action. Differentiated, and others awareness had significant effect of up cycle, buying eco-friendly clothing, active participation, and eco-friendly clothing management. Gender of college students showed significant differences consumption value, consumer attitudes towards environmental awareness, and clothing environmental behavior.



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