Design of Girl's Coat Applied with Overcoat of Chosun Dynasty I

조선시대 포를 응용한 여아 외투 디자인 I

  • 신자영 (성신여자대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 장민정 (성신여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Received : 2016.07.11
  • Accepted : 2016.10.06
  • Published : 2016.12.31


Though the po as the basic apparel of the Joseon Dynasty period was various in kind as it was worn by people of different times, places, duties and statuses. it was unified as Juui with apparel reform at the late Joseon Dynasty. Though people of today have good feelings about hanbok, they rarely wear it because of its uncomfortable wearing sensation and the fastidious care after its use. However, efforts should be made to develop designs and to improve its use convenience through the study on the Korean traditional clothing now that overseas examples exist in which other countries' traditional clothing was successfully popularized. In this regard, targeting the children in their preschool ages when their socialization arises along with their physical development that have great influence on their adulthood, this study aims to suggest a design of overcoats that combines the various characteristics of the po in Joseon Dynasty period with those of the modern children's overcoats so that they might have positive attitudes towards Korean traditional clothes, and to contribute to its popularization. The study applied the characteristics of po to the design of children's overcoats so that children and their parents could choose to wear them with little repulsion. In this way, it attempted to resolve the inconveniences of the Korean traditional clothes and make the general public have positive perception about them. It is expected that the continuous development of the design that combines the Korean traditional clothes and children's clothes will contribute to the popularization of the Korean traditional clothes.



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