Effects of LMX and Perceived Ethics with Leader on Job Burnout

  • Oh, Young-Sam (Dept. of Distribution Management, Jangan University) ;
  • Choi, Beet-Na (Dept. of Business Management, Graduate School of Anyang University) ;
  • Kim, An-Sik (Dept. of Service Management, Jangan University)
  • Received : 2016.06.29
  • Accepted : 2016.08.15
  • Published : 2016.08.30


Purpose - This study has its purpose to identify the correlation between factors and moderating variables that can reduce job burnout by setting a positive relationship with a leader and ethicality of the leader as factors reducing job burnout and helping behavior as a moderating variable. Research design, data, and methodology - The research design would make theoretical perceived ethical leadership and LMX toward helping assistance, and job burnout using by structural equation method. Results - As a result, both positive behaviors and recognition on ethical leadership of a leader have been confirmed to influence on mitigation of job burnout. Especially, among the two factors, ethicality has shown to be more efficient to alleviate exhaust compared with positive behavior of a leader. Conclusions - Theoretical perceived ethical leadership and LMX toward a leader, helping assistance, and job burnout are statistically significant, however, the helping behavior of members is the factor increasing a job burnout. These results can be interpreted as the difficulties of relation setting with the members for the leader, and although loyalty and responsibility toward right leader may induce helping behavior, and positive behavior for organization can impact on the job burnout. It can be concluded that the ethicality of a leader is an essential factor for the development of organization.


1. Introduction

A personal relationship that individual establishes during his life is a considerably critical factor. A personal relationship which is expressed as a human relation as well. A personal relation is a perspective on human, however,human relation is an interest on relationship between people and relation itself. Kwon (2004) has mentioned that a word human connotes a meaning of social entities that should live with people in his writing, and Lee (1998) has defined personal relationship as a dynamic and a complex interrelation process establishing between two or more people. Thus, understanding characteristics, distinctions, and desire of oneself and other is an essential condition to form mature personal relationship since personal relationship is built with interrelationship between 'oneself' and 'other' (Lee, 1998).

When considering such perspective, the personal relationship in the organization is considerably important and relationship with leader, especially, is one of the most critical factor for members of organization to survive and develop. When considering in a perspective of social exchange theory, the quality of relation is formed based on past exchange relations and the positive recognition on past exchange relations causes to form expectation on reward in the long-term perspective. Thus, positive exchange relationship with leader has a full potential to overcome barriers even if an organization asks for a certain sacrifice. Such assertion is frequently shown at phenomenons. During the time when Korea suffers from IMF financial crisis, in case of where considering a leader as a member of conformity group or having loyalty toward a leader, the multiple examples to overcome an adverse relationship have been reported, and on the other hands, the studies that a negative relation with leader causes to increase intentions for turnover have been reported. In such perspectives, a positive relation with leader is a very critical factor for settlement and development of individual at the organization,

Recently, an ethicality of leader is judged to be connected to the question of maintenance or abolition of organization. Recently, an immoral behavior of corporate leaders such as an immorality of enterprises precipitated from an accident of SaeWal-ho has become a national topic of conversation, but also with the development of social media, an ethical standard on leader has been tightened up. In the study of Kim and Kim (2013), it has been reported that the corporate that a leader is known for his ethicality not only increases task fulfillment rate of employees, but also has tendencies for employees to be participated in tasks other than their responsibilities. Therefore, along with the interest on ethicality of leader, the efficacy of ethical leadership can be identified.

When it comes to an individual aspect, it is essential to focus on the helping behavior which is classified as behavior other than roles similar to an organization citizen's action. It is because that a helping behavior, compared with a role action, is variables related to a relationship, for example, a cooperative action (Anderson & Willams, 1996) helping members and teammates of other organizations. Thus, a helping behavior is a variable which is focused by modern organization carrying out multiple works at the interdependent environment. However, there are two sides,since although voluntary helping behavior of members may become positive factors to develop positive relation with leader, it may become negative factors when it is seen as an ally of powers opposing leader.

This study has its purpose to find out factors alleviating job burnout by judging that the reason for individual antisocial deviant behaviors and frequent turnover is job burnout caused from various stresses and overburdened task. Thus, this study also has its purpose to identify how the structured relations of them can alleviate job burnout by setting a job burnout as a dependent variable, a positive relation with leader and an ethicality of leader as a leading variable, and a helping behavior as a moderating variable. In this study, especially, a potential for members to sacrifice for organization with perseverance has investigated by provoking helping behaviors from positive relation and ethicality of leader

The results of this study have expected to provide evidences which enable healthy organizational life by providing behavior direction of members along with a role verification of leader. In addition, by identifying importance of relationship with leader and relationship between members which can be expected in the helping behavior, this resultshave expected to provide evidences for organizations and corporate to operate educational training program related to a positive relation formation.

2. Theoretical Background

2.1. LMX (Leader-Member Exchange)

As a theory of Leader-Member exchange, LMX is based on Blau(1964)'s social exchange theory and Graen & Cashman(1975)'s role-making theory. LMX theory has been recognized as a new leadership paradigm which is based on a mutual benefit exchange relation between leader and members (Northouse, 2010; Schermerhorn et al., 2011). According to social exchange theory, LMX, as a relationship maintaining for profit which can be earned from an exchange relationship, is explained that the exchange relationship is maintained based on economical reward between leader and members (Blau, 1964). And in the role formation theory, a certain role is formed based on mutual exchange relationship between leader and members and leadership is established based on that (Graen & Cashman, 1975). Thus, LMX allows members to possess self control and intrinsic motivation by inducing a maintenance of relationship formation between leader and members and participating behaviors from members through a mutual trust, a respect, and emotional connection between leader and members (Lindberg & Craig, 2006).

A high-level LMX tends to be a relationship occurred at the relationship between superior and in-group (Watson, 2013). A high-level LMX gives positive influences on work outcome, work satisfaction, satisfaction on a superior, organizational commitment, organization citizen's action, trust, turnover, promotion, and organizational identification of members when quality of social exchange relationship is raised (Bauer & Green, 1996; Gerstner & Day, 1997; Liden et al., 1993; Yang & Cho, 2015; Yang & Kwon, 2015). In the high-level LMX relationship which is based on social exchange relation between them, beyond official employment relation, high-level mutual trust and respect between leader and members are formed (Bauer & Green, 1996; Diensch & Liden, 1986), and the level of LMX is determined at a continual mutual relation (Bauer & Green, 1996; Dansearau, et al., 1975). On the contrary, low-level LMX not only induces defensive communication and burnout, but also influences negative impact on task performance and task satisfaction and it tends to occur at the relationship between superior and members of out-group (Watson, 2013).

2.2. Perceived Ethics (Ethical Leadership)

The definition on ethical leadership is various. The ethical leadership is defined as a normative and proper behavior of leader, and effort to make members following such behaviors through mutual communication and decision-making (Brown et al., 2005). In addition, it suggests a leadership in an ethical perspective to become a proper role model for members by showing leader's ethical behaviors including two-directional communication, ethical standard suggestion,and application of reward and control (Brown & Trevino,2006). Besides, there are many trials to explain ethicality of leader based on exercise method of authority, respect on member's right and sanctity. The Brown et al. (2005)'s concept on an ethical leadership is composed of two aspects: qualification aspect of leader that features sincerity, consideration, trust, and fairness, and role aspect of manager that features communication, reinforcement, and role model. Brown and Trevino (2006) have also confirmed that there are two types of ethical leadership, "moral person"and "moral manager", as a result of interviewing mangers and people in charge of ethicality. According to researchers, this two dimensions are accepted as fundamental components consisting an ethical leadership in theoretical and experimental way (Engelbrecht et al., 2005).

However, various perspectives on such ethical leadership can be summarized into following three characteristics(Trevino et al., 2003). First, an ethical leader tends to be an ethical role model for others, second, an ethical leader tends to do justice to people, third, he tends to manage ethicality of organization actively. Above two properties refer to 'moral and ethical human' aspect of ethical leadership and an ethical leader refers to showing attitudes and behaviors following individual ethical values including sincerity, truth, and altruism (George & James, 1993). Thus, such leaders can be a role model by showing normative actions and tend to earn fair recognition from others by showing consideration and respect for others (Brown et al., 2005; Brown & Trevino, 2006). On the other hand, the last property refers to ethical and moral manager's ethical leadership, and also refers to a clear communication on ethical standard and expectation based on decision making through principle. In addition, ethical behavior at the organization can be enhanced by a reward system and making members recognizing responsibilities on ethical and immoral behaviors(Mayer et al., 2009).

2.3. Helping Behavior

In an organization action theory, the concept of helping behavior is based on willingness to cooperate of Barnard(1938, 1948) and action other than role (Katz, & Kahn, 1966, 1978). As an action intending to produce profits for organization, beyond role expectation of present, it is understood to be behaviors performed voluntarily. Katz & Kahn (1978) has defined role behaviors as a group of actions expected from status or tasks and they have classified behaviors correspond to such roles as role behavior or task performance behavior, and voluntary behaviors other than role expected officially as extra-role behaviors. Such concept can be called as an extensive concept involving helping behavior of members of organization.

According to Van and LePine (1998), since the characteristic of concept related to this is established regardless of official task performance duties as a voluntary behavior, and it does not cause any official reward and punishment even if an error has occurred, it is expressed as an intentional behavior of members. Thus, active decision making process of members that they are willing to carry out extra-role behaviors should be involved. The results of behavior causing positive effects and intention bringing positive results should be also entailed. The profits of performer should not be the first priority (Katz & Kahn, 1978).

The behavior resulting positive effects on others or giving others help is called as prosocial behavior, helping behavior,and altruistic action. A prosocial behavior is defined as a voluntary behavior producing profits to others regardless of intention of action (Dovidio, 1984; Dovidio et al., 2006). As a behavior evaluated positively (Piliavin et al., 1969, 1981), a prosocial behavior is a behavior occurred between individuals and rather than a prosocial originally, it is determined by social judgement. Although helping behavior is classified as prosocial behavior with broad category, it is different in that helping others is a behavior which has intention rather than an accidental result. The helping behavior is defined as a behavior providing a certain profit to others and resulting in an enhancement of others. On the other hands, an altruistic behavior refers to a behavior helping others while sacrificing oneself. A helping behavior is composed of ordinary helping, personal helping which provides materials, emotional helping, and helping at the crisis (McGuire, 1994).

2.4. Job Burnout

In general, as a result of physicalㆍemotional reaction related to task stress, a job burnout is appeared as an emotional exhaustion, reduced personal accomplishment, and depersonalization from customers (Maslach et al., 1997), and job burnout is analyzed to be a reason for task characteristic including role conflict, role ambiguity, spasticity of organization and task amount (McCann & Perlman, 1990). In addition, it can be classified into an emotional exhaustion,depersonalization on customers, and reduced personal accomplishment (Maslach & Jackson, 1981). By conducting analysis on primary factor of index that Maslach and Jackson (1981) has developed, since the component of job burnout is formed based on inductive method designating each component, three factors consisting of job burnout should be considered as different items (Maslach & Jackson,1981). In addition, it should be separated because each represents different aspect. As an initial research of job burnout (Kahn et al., 1964), task tension is related to either role conflict or role ambiguity, role conflict and role ambiguity is related to emotional exhaust to bring depersonalization or individual achievement, and it decreases work satisfaction and task performance to cause turnover intention. The later work, De Croon et al. (2004), has shown that work-related stress causes psychological task tension and has shown a process of turnover from employees. In this study, the concept of psychological tension which requires recovery is used, and this is explained as almost identical to psychological wound and exhaust. Huang et al.(2003) has also insisted that in case of where political action is full instead of task competence, the exhaust and intention for turnover is high. In their studies, all of them mentioned that negative factors including work-related stress or political action can influence on the intention for turnover.

3. Research Design & Hypotheses

This study has its purpose to identify how the structured correlation between factors can alleviate job burnout by setting positive relationship with a leader and ethicality of the leader as leading variables and helping behavior as a moderating variable in order to find out factors alleviating job burnout. In addition, in this study, following study model and hypothesis are established because of evidences from previous studies that members endure and they are willing to sacrifice for organization with the positive relationship with a leader and ethicality of the leader which can induce helping behavior which is extra-role behavior.

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[Figure 1] Research Model & Hypotheses

Note) The mediation effect on helping behavior such as [H4] and [H5] has not shown in this diagram.

Specifically, LMX theory is a theory focused on relationship between a leader and members rather than a behavior or characteristic of leader. In LMX theory, a leader has seen as a role messenger who has the most influential during the process of delivering roles of members (Dienesch & Liden, 1986). Based on such concept, Diensch and Liden(1986) have mentioned that social exchange relation cannot be maintained if mutual trust has not been formed, and it includes material reward and emotional reward. This formation process starts with a stage of carrying out designated official roles, and its form of social exchange relation is prepared by going through process to accept roles of each other. After that, each exchanges their information and carry out extra-role behaviors which can be helpful to organization voluntarily (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995).

As we suggested before, a relation which is mainly occurred between in-group and superior(Watson, 2013), when quality level of social exchange relation is high, LMX gives positive influences on work outcome, work satisfaction,satisfaction on a superior, organizational commitment, organization citizen's action, trust, turnover, promotion, and organizational identification of members when quality of social exchange relationship is raised (Bauer & Green,1996; Gerstner & Day, 1997; Liden et al., 1993; Yang & Cho, 2015; Yang & Kwon, 2015). In LMX relation, It can be said that an influence of LMX is critical from continual interrelation between a leader and members (Bauer & Green, 1996; Dansearau et al., 1975) as a relation giving high-level mutual trust and respect between a leader and members (Bauer & Green, 1996; Diensch & Liden, 1986). LMX can select an influencing relationship of helping behaviors that can be expressed voluntarily and intentionally regardless of duties of members (Van & LePine, 1998). it requires active decision making processes of members to carry out extra-role behaviors. The results of behaviors should be positive or intention to make positive results are required (Katz & Kahn, 1978). LMX may exert it's influence to induce voluntary helping behavior in order not to prioritize profit of performer. In addition, the ethical leadership of a leader can give influence on members to facilitate both positive and voluntary helping behaviors. The leaders should be a role model by showing normative behavior and following ethical values, and members can have recognition on leader that he has fairness by showing consideration and respect for others (Brown et al., 2005; Brown & Trevino,2006). And ethical leaders can be trusted, and communicate precisely with members with decision making based on principle. By making members to recognize responsibilities of ethical and immoral behaviors, the view to facilitate ethical behavior (Mayer et al., 2009) at the organization can have influence on voluntary helping behavior.

[Hypothesis 1] Positive relation with leader will have positive(+) influence on the helping behaviors of member.

[Hypothesis 2] The recognition of member on ethical leadership of leader will have positive(+) influence on the helping behaviors of member.

The Job burnout is related to task tension, role conflict or role ambiguity, and it is related to emotional exhaust, and it can decrease individual achievement and task satisfaction(Kahn et al., 1964). It can also cause task tension and is connected to turnover of members (De Croon et al., 2004). The task behavior refers to a behavior resulting in positive results to others or helping others and prosocial altruistic behavior refers to voluntary behavior giving profits to others(Piliavin et al., 1969, 1981). Both of them give positive effects by preventing job burnout. On the other hands, the model for ethical behavior that leader tries by oneself provides a leadership in a perspective of ethic (Brown & Trevino, 2006), and exertion of authority from leader, respect on sanctity and authority of members can influence on decision making. Thus, the positive relation between helping behavior and leader can be seen to have a mutual relation to an alleviation of job burnout.

[Hypothesis 3] The helping behavior of member will have negative(-) influence on job burnout.

[Hypothesis 4] Helping behavior can be mediated between the positive relation with leader and job burnout.

[Hypothesis 5] Helping behavior can be mediated between the recognition on ethical leadership from member and job burnout.

4. Empirical Study

4.1. Methods and Data Collection

To conduct his study, total 264 effective questionnaires have earned by conducting survey based on members of small and middle sized corporate located at Seoul metropolitan area. The demographic characteristics on them are as follows.

[Table 1] Demographic Characteristics

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Note) gender 3, person age 6 person, and education 3 person are missing

The measure used in this study is as follows. First, LMX was measured 7 items Likert 5-scale and summed based on Graen and Uhl-Bein (1995). 10 ethical leadership based on Brown et al. (2005)'s study and 7 helping behaviors based on Van Dyne and LePine(1998)'s study have been measured with Likert 7-scale. The job burnout was measured by 8 questions based on Maslach and Jackson'(1981)s study with Likert 5-scale. To solve measurement differences between each variable, analysis was conducted by utilizing converted z-score.

4.2. Reliability and Validity of Measurement Scale

As a result of reliability and validity verification on each variable, Cronbach's α value was 0.797~0.933, concept reliability was 0.850~0.957, and average dispersion and extraction index(AVE) was 0.457~0.693. From such results, except for helping behavior, all have confirmed to secure reliability and validity. In case of helping behavior, through a comparison of squared value of correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, validity has been identified. The reliability and validity analysis results are indicated at [Table 2].

[Table 2] Reliability & Validity

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4.3. Correlation Analysis

The result of conducting correlation analysis too identify relationship between variables and direction is indicated at [Table 3]. As a result, a positive (+) relationship between LMX, ethical leadership, and helping behavior, and a negative (-) relationship between job burnout and other variables have shown.

[Table 3] Results of Correlation analysis(n=264)

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Note) * p<.05, ** P,01, AVE marked in ( ).

4.4. Testing of Hypotheses

For a verification of a direct effect hypothesis, after controlling gender, age, educational background, and martial status which are shown to have relation to each variable, the result of conducting simple regression analysis is as follows. First, for a helping behavior, LMX (β = .503, p<.01), and ethical leadership recognition (β = .580, p<.01) have analyzed to have statistically significant positive(+) influence. It means that positive relation with leader or ethicality of leader can increase helping behavior which is an extra-role behavior for organization. Thus,  and  both have adopted. Although it has not set as a hypothesis, a multiple regression analysis has analyzed by controlling demographic characteristics to find out factors which can increase helping behavior among leading variables. As a result, the result shown to be in the order of ethical leadership recognition (β = .438, p<.01) and LMX (β= .321, p<.01). Thus, although both ethicality of leader and positive relation with leader is critical, an ethicality of leader has influenced more on helping behaviors of employees compared with leadership recognition.

To identify how helping behavior of member can alleviate job burnout, as a result of conducting regression analysis after controlling demographic characteristics, a helping behavior(β = -.172, p<.01) has shown to alleviate a job burnout, thus,  has also adopted.

For a verification of mediating effect hypothesis, the result conducting Baron and Kenny's (1986) 3-step mediation regression analysis after controlling demographic characteristicsis indicated at [Table 4].

[Table 4] Results of mediation effect

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Note) * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001. IV: Independent Variable, MV: Mediating Variable, Mediating Variable is Helping Behavior

First, since the relationship between LMX and job burnout has shown to have no statistically significant relation at 3rd level,  has rejected. Such result is different from other studies related to LMX and influence. In addition, because there are no statistically significant relation between recognition on ethical leadership and job burnout at the third level, it has shown to have no mediation effect. Thus,  has also rejected.

5. Conclusion and Discussion

This study has its purpose to identify how relation between them can alleviate a job burnout by setting positive relation with leader and ethicality of leader as factors to decrease a job burnout and helping behavior as a mediating variable.

As a result, as expected, positive relation with leader and recognition on ethical leadership have shown to decrease a job burnout. Among two factors, especially, ethicality of a leader has shown to decrease a job burnout compared with positive relation with leader. Such result can be seen as a critical evidence which enables to predict a level of stress that members receive from immoral behavior of leaders. Thus, it implies that leaders need to establish ethicality and show his ethicality to make members recognizing hisethicality. In addition, by considering various measures to maintain positive relation with members, leaders need to alleviate job burnout of members.

In addition, it can also be known that a helping behavior which is extra-role behavior of members decreases a job burnout. Such result reflects assertions of various researchers (Brown & Trevino, 2006; De Croon et al., 2004; Dovidio et al., 2006) studying behaviorism. Thus, the productivity can be increased by alleviating a job burnout through various types of measures including participation program that can induce helping behavior of members, and it can also decrease turnover rate.

However, the statistically insignificant mediation effect of helping behavior is an unexpected result. Therefore, a structure equation analysis has done by using AMOS 19.0 from the expectation that additional interpretation is possible by deducting optimal model through a verification of course influencing on impacts of each variables and job burnout and a verification on model fit.

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[Figure 2] Results of SEM(Structural Equation Modeling)

Note) * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001.

As a result, as checked at the hypothesis verification, the structure equation analysis result has confirmed to have influence of identical direction. However, Chi-square has shown to be 109.575(d.f 3) which is statistically insignificant and model fit (GFI 0.837, AGFI 0.457, NFI 0.417, RMR 0.205) has shown to fall short of suggested fit index. Thus, it has confirmed that it is not an optimal model influencing on job burnout.

MI(Modification Index) provided by AMOS 19.0 has shown to be possible to set additional courses between ethical leadership recognition and LMX, and ethical leadership recognition and job burnout, thus, the additional course has set through previous studies (Heres & Lasthuizen, 2012; Yukl et al., 2009) that ethical leadership can increase LMX and previous studies (O'Donnell et al., 2012; Trevino et al.,2000) that ethical leadership alleviates a job burnout. As a result, Chi-square was 0.776 (d.f = 3, p = .378), thus, it has confirmed to be an optimal model and model fit (GFI 0.999, AGFI 0.985, NFI 0.997, RMSEA 0.000, RMR 0.013) has also identified to be outstanding.

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[Figure 3] Results of Modified Model

Note) * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001.

However, as a result of structure equation analysis, an interesting point can be found. Thus, although there are total 3 courses which are identified as statistically significant, they have shown to be different results on a job burnout. Concretely, first course(recognition on ethical leadership from a leader → LMX → helping behavior → job burnout) and second course(recognition on ethical leadership from a leader → helping behavior → job burnout) are statistically significant, however, helping behavior of members is a factor increasing a job burnout. Such result can be interpreted to reflect difficulties of "relation that is difficult to be keep and keep away" when it comes to setting a relation between member and leader. In addition, although loyalty and responsibility on leader can induce a helping behavior, positive behavior can also influence on a job burnout, thus, further studies are required to prepare effective methods through detailed review. Despite that, a recognition on ethicality of leader which is suggested as the third course also alleviate a job burnout, thus, it can be known that ethicality of a leader is essential factor for organization development.

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