한·중 FTA와 기(旣)체결 주요 FTA의 원산지 규정과 절차 비교연구 - 미국·EU·ASEAN FTA 중심으로 -

A Comparative Study on the Rules of Origin and Origin Implementation Procedure in KORCHINA FTA and Main Korea's Existing FTAs - Focused on KORUS·KOREU·KORASEAN FTA -

  • 임목삼 (국제원산지정보원 FTA인재개발팀) ;
  • 임성철 (배화여자대학교 국제무역과)
  • 투고 : 2016.02.02
  • 심사 : 2016.02.19
  • 발행 : 2016.02.29


The reviewing of an analysis of the Korea-China FTA due to guidance introduced for the new regulations or exceptional regulations compared to the KORUS, Korea-EU, Korea-ASEAN FTA. Commodity sectors in the Korea-China FTA and the KORUS, Korea-EU, Korea-ASEAN FTA(the majority in the country and trade criteria analysis result) compared and analyzed the results, rules of origin and the customs clearance procedures of origin, preferential tariff rate of origin and the origin preferential specific rules are somewhat difference, but customs and trade facilitation regulations are already quite consistent with the Korea customs system. Relatively important research results were as follows. First, the calculation of the regional value content in KORCHINA FTA is that I'm to use the deduction method can comprehensively reflect a regional value ratio, with respect to the materials acquired originating status as the FTA in the US and EU use the product non it's not to consider the value of the originating materials originating materials can be utilized for intermediate goods. Second, even if a non-treaty country in the middle with the exception of direct transport rules, and acknowledge the country of origin are under customs control, there are provisions for the period are temporarily stored in a non-treaty countries separately, that period goods imported into the non-treaty countries and up to three months from the day. If the situation of the occurrence of force majeure be greater than three months, but has so exceed six months. Third, the materials acquired originating status in the Korea-China FTA not to consider the value of non-originating materials used in its products as the KORUS FTA and Korea-EU FTA, that can be utilized originating materials for intermediate goods. It is expected that higher utilization of rules of origin. Meanwhile, Korea-China FTA has provisions to allow requests for preferential tariff applied on imports Customs declaration of intention to apply pre-condition for a preferential tariff applied to the importer. In other words, if the import customs tariff preference when applying post-intention not to advance is to be noted that any preferential treatment to prevent the later application.



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