Focus Group Interview (FGI)를 통한 다차원적 감각 특성 용어 및 정의의 질적 도출

Qualitative Elicitation of Multidimensional Korean Sensory Descriptors and Their Definitions Using Focus Group Interview

  • Hong, Jae-Hee (Department of Food and Nutrition, Kookmin University)
  • 투고 : 2016.02.16
  • 심사 : 2016.02.22
  • 발행 : 2016.02.28


Recently, food industries are increasingly interested in launching ethnic foods in the global market, but communicating sensory information to target consumers has been complicated due to the ambiguity and complexity of Korean sensory descriptors. This study was conducted to elicit various multidimensional sensory descriptors and their definitions using focus group interviews (FGI). Two consumer groups, consisting of 10 panelists in their 20s and 10 panelists in their 30-40s respectively, participated in the FGI. A total of 14 commonly used multidimensional sensory descriptors, including gamchilmat (감칠맛), gaeun (개운), goso (고소), gusu (구수), kkal-kkeum (깔끔), neu-kki (느끼), dambaek (담백), birin (비린), siwon (시원), sikeum (시큼), ssapssarae (쌉싸래), eolkeun (얼큰), jjapjoreum (짭조름), and kalkal (칼칼), were elicited. Their definitions showed that these descriptors not only were constructed using several sensory elements but also contained hedonic connotations. Descriptors such as gaeun, siwon, and kkal-kkeum were more closely associated with overall sensory impressions, including aftersensations and post-ingestive effects rather than sensory concepts. As individuals tend to weigh different elements to construct the concept for each multidimensional descriptor, further studies are required to identify elements consisting of these descriptors to develop better test methods and gain a clearer understanding of the sensory profiles of Korean foods.



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