대학생들의 스키수업 참여 전·후 참여동기가 수업만족 및 재방문에 미치는 영향

A Study on Influence of a College Student's Participation Motivation before/after Ski Class on Class Satisfaction & Revisit

  • 투고 : 2016.10.06
  • 심사 : 2016.10.31
  • 발행 : 2016.12.31


This study intended to look into the causal relations, in which a ski class conducted at a college is linked from college students' participation motivation to satisfaction and revisit. Among others, this study intended to boost the quality of the ski class conducted at a college with focus on the difference between the influences on satisfaction and revisit according to pre/post class participation. Further, the purpose of this study is to inquire into an ultimate basic plan required for winter sports development on the basis of the deduced results, through which this study drew the conclusion as follows: First, it was found that the influence relationship between class satisfaction before/after class was established in a joy seeking factor according to ski class participation motivation. Second, the daily routine deviation factor among the sub-factors of ski class participation motivation was found to have a positive effect on revisit before/after class while friendship promotion factor, health factor and physical strength factor were found to have an influence on revisit after class.



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