An Analysis of Professional Recognition on Criteria and Appropriateness of Cross-curricular Learning Topics

범교과 학습 주제 설정의 기준과 적절성에 대한 전문가 인식 연구

  • Received : 2016.10.20
  • Accepted : 2016.12.10
  • Published : 2016.12.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the setting and directions of cross-curricular learning topics based on research on experts' recognition of cross-curricular learning topics. The study method adopted was Delphi, and the subjects selected were curricular experts. This study has drawn following results: first, regarding the essence and problems of cross-curricular learning topics, even among the experts, there is no opinion agreed about cross-curricular learning topics' concept, essence, or characters. Second, more detailed discussion is demanded to select cross-curricular learning topics and set up a guideline about the operation. Third, it is needed to examine closely if presently suggested cross-curricular learning topics are duplicated or not and consider related subjects connected with those cross-curricular learning topics to improve education more systematically. Fourth, it is necessary to conduct more profound and systematic research on core competence that can embrace those cross-curricular learning topics. Fifth, to cope with changes in society and demands at school, it is needed to discuss how cross-curricular learning topics should be added or which learning topics should be added.



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