Double Domination in the Cartesian and Tensor Products of Graphs

  • CUIVILLAS, ARNEL MARINO (Department of Mathematics, Jose Rizal Memorial State University) ;
  • CANOY, SERGIO R. JR. (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology)
  • Received : 2014.04.20
  • Accepted : 2014.09.19
  • Published : 2015.06.23


A subset S of V (G), where G is a graph without isolated vertices, is a double dominating set of G if for each $x{{\in}}V(G)$, ${\mid}N_G[x]{\cap}S{\mid}{\geq}2$. This paper, shows that any positive integers a, b and n with $2{\leq}a<b$, $b{\geq}2a$ and $n{\geq}b+2a-2$, can be realized as domination number, double domination number and order, respectively. It also characterize the double dominating sets in the Cartesian and tensor products of two graphs and determine sharp bounds for the double domination numbers of these graphs. In particular, it show that if G and H are any connected non-trivial graphs of orders n and m respectively, then ${\gamma}_{{\times}2}(G{\square}H){\leq}min\{m{\gamma}_2(G),n{\gamma}_2(H)\}$, where ${\gamma}_2$, is the 2-domination parameter.



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