예산 및 도로 유지관리 : 저교통량 도로의 포장 변경을 위한 추가연구의 필요성

Tight Budgets and Roadway Maintenance: The Need for Further Study of the Conversion/Reconversion Scenario for Low-Volume Roadways

  • 투고 : 2014.10.14
  • 심사 : 2015.05.20
  • 발행 : 2015.06.15


PURPOSES : This paper presents a description of the current issues facing road managers regarding the surface-type conversion of low-volume roads for cost savings. METHODS: The paper reviews previous works conducted toward this end, acknowledges gaps in the current research, and lays out what information is needed for further studies. RESULTS : If the cost to maintain an unsurfaced road is less than the cost of maintaining a surfaced road, then there is potential for cost savings for the management agency. However, the problem is bigger than simply maintaining the roads that already exist. If unsurfaced roads prove to be more economical than surfaced roads, then the cost to convert from a surfaced to an unsurfaced roadway, and vice versa, when necessary, must also be examined. CONCLUSIONS : No other studies have addressed the un-surfacing of a road for cost savings, and it is therefore unknown whether substantial savings can be realistically obtained by converting from a surfaced to an unsurfaced road. To determine whether a conversion policy would be a viable option, additional data and research are needed.



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