양방향 접속료 정산방식을 활용한 이동망 도매대가 산정방안 연구

Mobile Wholesale Pricing using Two Way Interconnection Charge System

  • 투고 : 2015.07.13
  • 심사 : 2015.09.14
  • 발행 : 2015.12.31


The study on Wholesale pricing of MVNO using two way interconnection charge system is rare. This paper considers MVNO possessing its own facilities and subscribers. While previous studies focus on wholesale provision by MNO, this paper employs another approach from existing MVNO model. This paper introduces two way interconnection charge system by recognizing that mobile network interconnection is important to complete the call from MNO to MVNO as well as the call from MVNO to MNO. Also it is interesting to analyze wholesale pricing when there is brand loyalty between MNO and MVNO. This paper analyzes retail pricing and wholesale pricing under duopoly competition and drives social optimal solutions using linear city model.



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