The Relative Effects of Feedback Frequency and Specificity of Eco-IVIS on Fuel Efficiency and Workload

에코 드라이빙 피드백 제공 빈도와 구체성이 연비와 작업부하에 미치는 효과

  • Received : 2015.10.13
  • Accepted : 2015.12.09
  • Published : 2015.12.31


This study examined the relative effects of feedback frequency and specificity of Eco-IVIS(eco in-vehicle information system) on the fuel-efficiency and workload. Eighty participants randomly assigned into four experimental groups (high frequency/specific, high frequency/global, low frequency/specific, and low frequency/global feedback) and they drove 16.4Km motorway under the each feedback condition. The dependent variable were fuel efficiency and Drive Activity Load Index which measured participants' subjective ratings of driving workload. The results showed that high frequent feedback was more effective for increasing fuel-efficiency than low frequent feedback, however, there was no significant difference of fuel-efficiency between specific and global feedback. Although, overall DALI score was comparable among four experimental conditions, visual demand score was significant higher under the high frequent feedback condition than low frequent feedback.



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