The Structural Relationship among Social Support, Parenting Stress, Self-perception and Parenting Behavior Perceived by Mother

어머니가 지각하는 사회적 지지와 양육스트레스, 자아인식 및 양육행동 간의 구조적 관계

  • Kim, Hye-Gum (Department of Child Care Education, Dongnam Health University) ;
  • Jo, Hye-Young (Department of Early Childhood Education, Sungshin Women's University)
  • Received : 2015.07.09
  • Accepted : 2015.09.25
  • Published : 2015.12.31


The purpose of this study was to explore structural relationships among social support, parenting stress, self-perception and parenting behavior perceived by mother and provide preliminary data useful for desirable parenting behavior. For this purpose, the data of fourth wave Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC) including social support, parenting stress, self-perception and parenting behavior measured by 1,746 mothers with 3-year-old children were analyzed. We identified structural relationships among the variables using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 applying structural equation modeling. Measurement model and structure model had favorable goodness of fit and the results of structure models on each path were as follows. First, parenting behavior had positive correlations with social support and self-perception but there was a negative correlation between parenting behavior and parenting stress. Second, the relationship between social support and self-perception was mediated by parenting stress and parenting stress and self-perception mediated the relationship between social support and parenting relationship. In conclusion it is required to raise awareness about the importance of development of various parent education programs and parenting behavior.



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