This study evaluated the economic value of the development of an environment-friendly controlling method of mushroom using IRR and NPV. The environment-friendly controlling method of mushrooms was developed by the national institute of horticultural and herbal science in Korea rural development administration. This technology can be used to improve the efficiency and practicality of cultivation of mushroom. The research results show that the technological value of the development of an environment-friendly controlling method of mushroom was evaluated at 135.4 billion won (average), 182.6 billion won (maximum), and 88.1 billion won (minimum) based on the discount rate of 7.3%. The IRR was 1,958.5% - 4,054.4%, which was greater than the discount rate (6%~10%). The NPV was evaluated at 134.8 billion won (average), 218.1 billion won (maximum) and 87.5 billion won (minimum) based on the discount rate of 7.3%. Therefore, the economic validity of the development of an environment-friendly controlling method of mushrooms was identified by the results of a technology evaluation.
본 연구의 목적은 농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원이 개발한 유용미생물을 이용한 친환경방제기술, 구체적으로 얘기하면 버섯 갈반병에 대한 길항미생물 HC5를 이용한 방제기술개발의 기술가치를 평가하는 것이다. 이는 농업 R&D사업의 효율성과 실용성 제고를 위하여 이용될 수 있을 것이다. 분석결과에 따르면, 유용미생물을 이용한 버섯의 친환경방제기술개발의 기술가치평가액(할인율 7.3% 기준)은 최대 1,826.4억원, 최소 881.4억원으로 평균 1,353.9억원으로 추정된다. 내부수익률 IRR의 값은 최소 1,958.5%, 최대 4,054.4%, 평균 3,006.5%로 가정했던 할인율(6%~10%)보다 훨씬 크고, 순현재가치(NPV)는 영보다 훨씬 크며, B/C 비율도 평균 180 이상으로 나타나 미생물을 이용한 버섯의 친환경방제기술개발 사업의 경제적 타당성은 매우 높은 것으로 판단된다.