Let be a complete filtered probability space. Let S=(St)0≤t≤T be an adapted positive process which is a semimartingale. It is assumed that the riskless interest rate is zero for simplicity and
to avoid the arbitrage opportunities [4].
Definition 1.1. A self-financing strategy (x, ξ) is defined as an initial capital x ≥ 0 and a predictable process ξt such that the value process (value of the current holdings)
is P-a.s. well-defined.
The set of admissible self-financing portfolios 𝒳(x) with initial capital x is defined as
Let L0 be the set of all measurable functions in the given probability spaces.
Definition 1.2. A coherent measure of risk ρ : L0 → ℝ∪{∞} is a mapping satisfying the following properties for X, Y ∈ L0
(1) ρ(X + Y ) ≤ ρ(X) + ρ(Y ) (subadditivity),(2) ρ(λX) = λρ(X) for λ ≥ 0 (positive homogeneity),(3) ρ(X) ≥ ρ(Y ) if X ≤ Y (monotonicity) ,(4) ρ(Y + m) = ρ(Y ) − m for m ∈ ℝ (translation invariance).
The conditions of subadditivity (1) and positive homogeneity (2) in Definition 1.2 can be relaxed to a weaker quantity, i.e., convexity
Convexity means that diversification does not increase the risk. Also refer to the papers [1, 3] for coherent or convex risk measures.
Definition 1.3. A map ρ : L0 → ℝ is called a convex risk measure if it satisfies the properties of convexity (1.1), monotonicity (3) and translation invariance (4).
Definition 1.4. The minimal risk ρx(·) with initial capital x is defined as the risk
where the liability L is a random variable bounded below by a constant at time T,
and ρ(L − XT ) is a final risk.
Assumption 1.5. The convex risk measure ρ satisfies the Fatou property
Assumption 1.6. ρ : L0 → ℝ satisfies ρ(X) = ρ(Y ) whenever X = Y P − a.s. and for the positive payoff function H, the bounded conditions
Lemma 1.7 ([7]). The minimal risk defined as (1.2) is a convex risk measure. Moreover, the translation invariance property satisfies the following relations
Lemma 1.8 ([7]). Let L be the initial liability bounded below by a constant and H be the positive payoff function. Then for any fixed number x
The risk-effcient options are defined as the options having the same selling price, which minimize the risk. That is, the risk-effcient options are the H that minimizes ρx0+α(L + H) with the constraint p(H) = α, where p(H) is the selling price of the option H, L is the initial liability, x0 is the initial capital, and ρx0+α(L + H) is the minimal risk obtained by optimal hedging with capital x0 + α as defined in (1.2). Here ρ is a risk measure. Xu [7] defined such risk-effcient options and asked a question of their existence. The option seller could get the same minimal risk even though he or she choose any one of available risk-effcient options. Every contingent claim is replicable, i.e., perfectly hedged in a complete market. We should consider risk-effcient options in an incomplete market.
This paper is structured as follows. We prove the existence of risk-effcient options by using Schied’s result in Section 2. We prove it by finding the sequences converging to the risk-effcient option in Section 3.
In this section, we assume that 𝜌 is convex risk measure satisfying Fatou property and H is −measurable contingent claim which is bounded. Xu [7] treated option H which is positive.
Schied [6] supposes an agent wishes to raise the capital 𝜐(≥ 0) by selling a contingent claim and tries to find a contingent claim such that the risk of the terminal liability is minimal among all claims satisfying the issuer’s capital constraints, i.e.,
where the price density 𝜑 is a P −a.s. strictly positive random variable with E[𝜑] = 1. The problem is called the Neyman-Pearson problem for the risk measure ρ.
Lemma 2.1 ([6]). Assume that the conditions of convexity (1.1), monotonicity in Definition 1.2 and Fatou property (1.3) hold. Then there exists a solution to the Neyman-Pearson problem (2.1).
Lemma 2.2 ([6]). Any solution H* of the Neyman-Pearson problem (2.1) with capital constraint 𝜐 ∈ [0, K] satisfies E[𝜑H*] = 𝜐.
In terms of liabilities −X and −Y, the properties of convexity (1.1), monotonicity (3) and translation invariance (4) in Definition 1.2 are respectively expressed as
The properties of (2.2), (2.3) and (2.4) can be easily derived by taking ρ(−X) = 𝜓(X) for a convex risk measure 𝜓(X).
For the option payoff function H and an initial capital x0, we show that in Theorem 2.4 there exists a risk-effcient option H* satisfying
where L is the initial liability uniformly bounded below by cL, and the price density 𝜑 is a P −a.s. strictly positive random variable with E[𝜑] = 1.
In a term of liability −H, define η as
Then η is well defined by Assumption 1.6.
Lemma 2.3. η(−H) is a convex risk measure and law-invariant.
Proof. First, let’s prove the convexity. Let H1, H2 and H be -measurable payoff functions and λ ∈ [0, 1], m ∈ ℝ.
η(λ(−H1) + (1 − λ)(−H2)) = ρx+x0(L + λH1 + (1 − λ)H2) = ρx+x0(λ(L + H1) + (1 − λ)(L + H2)) ≤ λρx+x0(L + H1) + (1 − λ)ρx+x0(L + H2) = λη(−H1) + (1 − λ)η(−H2).
Secondly, let’s prove the monotonicity. Let H1 ≤ H2. Then
Thirdly, let’s prove the translation invariance.
So η is a convex risk measure.
Last, let’s prove η(−H1) = η(−H2) whenever H1 = H2 P−a.s.. Let H1 = H2 P−a.s.. Then we have L + H1 = L + H2 P−a.s.. Since ρ(L + H1) = ρ(L + H2), we get
Theorem 2.4. If x ∈ (0, K), then there exists H* ∈ [0, K], E[𝜑H*] = x such that
Proof. η(H) is a convex risk measure by Lemma 2.3. By Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2, it is proved.
Now we give bounded conditions to x for the E[𝜑H*] = x to be a no-arbitrage price. Xu [7] defined the selling price SP and the buying price BP of the option H(≥ 0) as
By the translation invariance relation (1.5), the equations (2.6) and (2.7) become
SP(H) = min{x : ρx0(L + H) − ρx0(L) ≤ x} = ρx0(L + H) − ρx0(L),BP(H) = max{x : x ≤ ρx0(L) − ρx0(L − H)} = ρx0(L) − ρx0(L − H)
respectively. Since the final risk exposure both ρx0+x(L + H) and ρx0−x(L − H) do not exceed the initial risk ρx0(L), i.e.,
ρx0(L + H) − x = ρx0+x(L + H) ≤ ρ𝑥0(L),ρx0(L − H) + x = ρx0−x(L − H) ≤ ρx0(L),
we have
Thus for the E[𝜑H*] = x to be a no-arbitrage price of H*, it should satisfy the inequalities
SP(H) ≤ E[𝜑H*] = x ≤ BP(H).
In this section, wefind the sequences converging to the risk-effcient option for the proof of its existence.
Lemma 3.1 (Föollmer and Schied [5]). Let (ξn)n≥1 be a sequence in such that supn|ξn| < +∞ P-a.s .. Then there exists a sequence of convex combinations
ηn ∈ con𝜐{ξn, ξn+1,…}
which converges P-a.s. to some
𝒳(x, b) = {X | X ∈ 𝒳(x) and XT ≥ x − b}.
Then we have
Theorem 3.2 ([7]). Under two assumptions (1.3) and (1.4) and ≠ , there exists an optimal admissible hedging portfolio X* ∈ 𝒳(x, b) which is the solution of the minimal risk problem
for any b ∈ ℝ+ and x ∈ ℝ.
Let H be a payoff function of an option, x ∈ ℝ+, and let be fixed.
Lemma 3.3. There exists −measurable H* and ∈ 𝒳(x, b), depending on H* such that EQ[H*] = x,
Proof. By Theorem 3.2, for each H there exists such that
Choose the sequences Hn and satisfying
Then Lemma 3.1 implies that there exist the sequences such that
The sequence can be expressed as the convex combination
Set in which is the sequence Hi in the chosen pair Hi and
It is easy to see
If we apply the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem to the equation (3.2), then there exists H* such that Q-a.s., and EQ[H*] = 𝑥.
So we have
By applying the Fatou property to and also using the inequality (3.3), we have
Since EQ[H*] = x and we have
Theorem 3.4. Let p(H) = EQ[H] be the pricing rule of the option H for a fixed . Let x0 be an initial capital. Then there exists a risk-efficient option H* satisfying
where L is the initial liability uniformly bounded below by cL.
Proof. Let be fixed. Since ρx+x0(L + H) = ρx(L + H) − x0, we need only to consider
ρx(L + H).
For X ∈ 𝒳(0), by Assumption 1.6 and translation invariance property, the following both inequality and equality
ρ(L + H − XT) ≥ ρ(cL + 0 − XT ) ≥ cL + ρ(− XT ) ≥ cL + ρ0(0) > − ∞, and ρx(L + H) = ρ0(L + H) − x
imply that ρx(L + H) is well-defined for all X ∈ 𝒳(x).
By Theorem 3.2, for each H there exists such that
Let ∊ > 0. Then since
there exists a large nonnegative integer N ∈ ℤ+ satisfying
The equation (3.4) and Lemma 3.3 imply the following inequality
So we have
and so
On the other hand, since we have the inequality
and by letting b go to infinity we get
By the inequalities (3.5) and (3.6), we get
The theorem has been proved.
For the pricing rule EQ[H] = x of the option H to be an no-arbitrage price, it should also satisfy
SP(H) ≤ x ≤ BP(H),
as we showed the reason in Section 2.
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