기후변화에 의한 눈잣나무의 서식지 분포 예측

Predicting the suitable habitat of the Pinus pumila under climate change

  • Park, Hyun-Chul (Department of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Hwan (Institute of Environmental at Kangwon National University) ;
  • Lee, Gwan-Gyu (Department of Landscape Architecture, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2014.06.23
  • 심사 : 2014.10.13
  • 발행 : 2014.10.31


이 연구는 국립생물자원에서 선정한 기후변화생물지표 중에서 남한의 설악산에 제한적으로 분포하는 눈잣나무의 기후변화에 의한 잠재 서식지 예측을 위해 시행되었다. 눈잣나무의 잠재서식지 예측을위해 IPCC(AR5)의 대표농도경로(RCP)를 기후변화 시나리오로 사용하였다. 종 분포 모형은 Maxent를 사용하였고, 환경변수는 고도, 연평균기온 등으로 총 8개이다. 남한이 눈잣나무 분포지역은 설악산이 유일한 지역으로 지리적 범위는 위도 $38^{\circ}7^{\prime}8^{{\prime}{\prime}}N{\sim}38^{\circ}7^{\prime}14^{{\prime}{\prime}}N$ 경도 $128^{\circ}28^{\prime}2^{{\prime}{\prime}}E{\sim}128^{\circ}27^{\prime}38^{{\prime}{\prime}}E$ 범위에 국지적으로 분포하며, 고도는 1,586m~1,688m 범위에 분포한다. 종 분포 모형의 모형 정확도는 0.978으로 매우 우수하였고 잠재서식지 예측에 기여도가 높은 환경변수는 고도로 나타났다. LPT를 기준으로 선정된 현재기후의 잠재 서식지는 $7,345km^2$이며 기후변화 시나리오를 적용한 미래의 잠재 서식지 면적은 감소하였고 감소폭은 RCP 4.5보다 RCP 8.5가 많았다. 설악산의 눈잣나무 개체군 분포 지역은 한반도의 남방 한계선으로 예상되며 기후변화에 의해 개체군의 축소 및 소실이 예상되므로 전략적인 유전자원 확보를 위한 대책이 필요하다.

This study was performed to predict the future climate envelope of Pinus pumila, a subalpine plant and a Climate-sensitive Biological Indicator Species (CBIS) of Korea. P. pumila is distributed at Mt. seorak in South Korea. Suitable habitat were predicted under two alternative RCPscenarios (IPCC AR5). The SDM used for future prediction was a Maxent model, and the total number of environmental variables for Maxent was 8. It was found that the distribution range of P. pumila in the South Korean was $38^{\circ}7^{\prime}8^{{\prime}{\prime}}N{\sim}38^{\circ}7^{\prime}14^{{\prime}{\prime}}N$ and $128^{\circ}28^{\prime}2^{{\prime}{\prime}}E{\sim}128^{\circ}27^{\prime}38^{{\prime}{\prime}}E$ and 1,586m~1,688m in altitude. The variables that contribute the most to define the climate envelope are altitude. Climate envelope simulation accuracy was evaluated using the ROC's AUC. The P. pumila model's 5-cv AUC was found to be 0.99966. which showed that model accuracy was very high. Under both the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, the climate envelope for P. pumila is predicted to decrease in South Korea. According to the results of the maxent model has been applied in the current climate, suitable habitat is $790.78km^2$. The suitable habitats, are distributed in the region of over 1,400m. Further, in comparison with the suitable habitat of applying RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 suitable habitat current, reduction of area RCP8.5 was greater than RCP4.5. Thus, climate change will affect the distribution of P. pumila. Therefore, governmental measures to conserve this species will be necessary. Additionally, for CBIS vulnerability analysis and studies using sampling techniques to monitor areas based on the outcomes of this study, future study designs should incorporate the use of climatic predictions derived from multiple GCMs, especially GCMs that were not the one used in this study. Furthermore, if environmental variables directly relevant to CBIS distribution other than climate variables, such as the Bioclim parameters, are ever identified, more accurate prediction than in this study will be possible.



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