Study on Intermediary Agency's Operating Characteristics of Neighborhood Regeneration Governance Types - Focused on Tokyo, Birmingham, Boston case study -

근린재생 거버넌스 유형별 중간지원조직 운영특징 연구 - 도쿄, 버밍험, 보스턴 사례를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2014.05.29
  • Accepted : 2014.08.19
  • Published : 2014.09.30


The purpose of this study is to explore the intermediary agency's operating characteristics in the three typologies of neighborhood regeneration governance. Case study is focused on Japan, UK, and US's related legal system, planning system, and intermediary agencies activities. Case Study is composed of regeneration type with public-led, semi-public-led, and neighborhood-led. Individual case shows distinguishing roles of intermediary agency governing neighborhood regeneration governance; government-affiliated organizations for Setagaya Machizukuri in Tokyo, non-departmental public body for Castle Vale project in Birmingham, and strong partnership of community organization with local foundation for Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative in Boston. Policy implications are as follows; first, intermediary agency has an important role for structuring governance, which is vertically engaging public sector with community organizations and horizontally engaging various local agencies. Second, in the early stage of neighborhood regeneration, public-led intermediary agencies are reliable but need to develop the governance framework for more neighborhood-led governance. Third, it is critical to set up community business belong to neighborhood-led governance for sustainable regeneration.



Supported by : 전북대학교


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