중소기업 유형별 연구개발투자의 영향요인에 관한 실증연구

A Research on Effect of Corporate's Competitive Advantage to the R&D Investment in Small and Medium Enterprise

  • 최수형 (부산대학교 경영대학 경영학과) ;
  • 최철안 (부산울산지방중소기업청)
  • Choi, Su-Heyong (Dept. of Business Administration, Pusan National University) ;
  • Choi, Chul-An (Busan/Ulsan Small and Medium Business Administration)
  • 투고 : 2013.12.05
  • 심사 : 2014.03.24
  • 발행 : 2014.03.31


최근 기업의 경영환경은 급속한 글로벌화와 신기술의 출현에 따라 항상 경쟁과 도전에 직면하게 되어 있다. 기업이 이러한 환경을 타개하기 위해서는 끊임없는 연구개발을 통해 경쟁우위의 기술을 지속적으로 확보해야 한다. 따라서 기업이 연구개발 활동을 원활히 할 수 있도록 하는 지원이 필요하며, 이를 위해 기업의 연구개발 활동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 보다 세밀한 연구가 축적되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 중소기업의 연구개발투자 영향요인을 규명하는 것이다. 기업의 연구개발투자에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요인들을 선행연구 조사를 통해 추출하고, 이를 요인들이 중소기업에는 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 확인하고자 한다. 둘째, 중소기업을 산업현장의 분류기준에 따라 유형을 구분하여 각각 영향요인의 유의성 및 영향도에 차이가 있는지 확인하는 것이다. 창업기업, 기존기업 등 유형 구분에 따라 각각 다른 특성을 나타날 수 있음을 확인할 수 있을 것으로 본다. 연구 결과, 중소기업의 연구개발투자에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 기업규모 요인인 종업원 수, 매출액, 연구 인프라 요인인 연구원 비중, 기술능력, 장비보유율, 지적재산권, 그리고 연구 활동성 요인인 아이디어 활동, 공동연구 비중 등이 정(+)의 영향을 미치고 있으며 연구 활동성 요인 중 CEO 참여는 부(-)의 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 중소기업을 업력, 제품, 거래형태, 기술수준 등에 따라 구분할 경우 연구개발투자에 미치는 영향정도와 유의성이 다름도 확인하였다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 학문적, 정책적 의의를 제시하였다.

The Purpose of this study is to find the effect factors of R&D investment in SMEs which plays an important role in the national economy, and the differences of the effect factors by the type of SMEs. The subject of this study is about 3,400 SMEs mentioned in "The survey of technical statistics on SMEs in 2007" by Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business. The effect factors are related with the size of business, the infrastructure of R&D and the activities of R&D which have been studied by many researchers. The methods of analysis are regression analysis, moderating effect analysis and the software package used is SPSS 12.0. The results of the study are as fallow. First, it was found that unlike in previous studies which show the effect of the elements of business's size, research infrastructure, research activities on R&D investment, one element alone can't be considered for meaningful result but the various elements have effect on R&D investment at the same time. In other words, the number of employees and the sales as the elements of business's size, the ratio of researchers, the technical ability, the ratio of equipment possession and the intellectual properties as the elements of R&D infrastructure, the activity of ideas and joint research as the elements of R&D activities have positive(+) effect, whereas the participation of CEO in the activity of R&D as the elements of R&D activities activity has negative(-) one. The number of employees, the ratio of researchers, and the sales had relatively high influence whereas equipment possession, technical ability, intellectual properties, the participation of CEO in the research, the activity of idea, joint research had relatively low influence. Next, it was also found that there are differences of the effect factors over the types of SMEs. SMEs were classified into 19 types by eight criteria such as start-ups and existing business by business age; small business and medium business by size; manufacturing business and service business by product type;independent business and subcontractor business by dealing type; businesses in the entering, growing, maturing and restructuring stage by growth stage; businesses with low, medium and high technology by technological level; pioneering business and non-pioneering business by industrial type; and businesses with state-of-the-art technology and non-advanced business by the level of business activities. The meaning of this study lies in the fact that it found the various effect factors should be considered at the same time when conducting study on SMEs' R&D investment, and the differences by the type should be acknowledged. This study surpassed the limitations of the previous studies which focused on a couple of factors and types. This study result can also be considered for other studies on achievement, organization, marketing and others. Moreover, it shows that a differential policy by business type is needed when formulating SME policy.
