Renovation and Conservation based on the Significance of Modern Architecture - A Study on Renovation of Korean Modern Architecture of 1960-70s -

근대 건축의 가치를 반영한 리노베이션과 보존에 관한 연구 - 국내 1960-70년대 모더니즘 건축의 리노베이션에 관한 연구 -

  • Received : 2013.12.22
  • Accepted : 2014.02.12
  • Published : 2014.02.28


The early post-war modern architecture introduced to Korea in the 60's and 70's have reached its 50 year cycle to emerge as candidates for the registered heritage. However, conservation is a complicated topic when applied to modern architecture due to its social and political status among general public, and is often a sacrificial target for demolition or insensitive alteration. This research tries to identify significant values extracted from the intrinsic characteristics of modern architecture, that can be applied to conducting successful renovation projects on modern architecture. The conservational values of modern architecture to be maintained are identified in this paper as: flexible open space, material and structural system, and extension of interior-exterior relation. These values are examined through the filter of comparative analysis on domestic and international conservation standards, along with cross-examination on recently renovated local works performed on the modern architecture of the period. This research aims to bring focus on conducting respectful conservation and renovation to modern architecture by identifying the significant values that is intrinsic to the modern architecture and is worth preserving.



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