Traditional agriculture technology is absolutely valuable not only to preserve biological diversity but construct an eco-friendly agricultural system. As the awareness of food safety has been growing, traditional technologies in the past agriculture literatures have obtained more attention sine chemical or synthesized fertilizer and agricultural pesticide were not used in these traditional agriculture ways. This study aims to evaluate development values on six kinds of agriculture literatures published before initial 1970s using Delphi technique and Correspondence analysis. The domains of assesment are include livestock sanitation, breeding management, feeding program and an extra part which 261 traditional agriculture technologies were first extracted from. From these technologies, livestock experts deducted 228 items and selected items more than 3.0 from all three areas including usefulness, scientific characteristic and economical efficiency utilizing Delphi technique.: 35 items from usefulness, 31 items from scientific characteristic, and 18 items from economical efficiency. The 23 technology items were finalized after adding five modern feasibility items recommended by experts to 18 items gaining more than 3.0 in at least three areas. The agriculture technologies were categorized into four areas where were analyzed using Correspondence analysis. The results revealed that 'sustainable farming technology', 'scientific character verification', ' modernized technology development', and 'intellectual property right' were placed closely one another except 'economy efficiency'. The result implicated that scientific verification and economy efficiency should be considered in order to sustain traditional agriculture technology into a modernized way and to protect intellectual property right of these technologies.
본고에서는 농서 6종류에서 나타나는 축산관련 전통농업기술을 가축위생, 사육관리, 사료급여, 기타 4개 분야로 나누어 261개를 도출하였다. 축산전문가가 이들 항목 중 개발가치를 인정한 228개 기술을 대상으로 델파이기법을 이용하여 평가영역별로 우수항목(3.0이상)을 도출한 결과, 유용성 영역이 35항목, 과학성 영역이 31항목, 경제성 영역이 18항목으로 나타났다. 이들 3개 영역 모두에서 3.0이상의 평가를 받은 우수기술18개와 전문가가 추천한 5개를 합하여 최종적으로 현대화 가능 기술 23개를 선정하였다. 한편 이들 농업기술을 유형별로 목록화하여 상응분석을 실시한 결과는 '지속영농기술', '과학성 검증', '현대화 기술 개발', '지식재산권화' 는 모두 가까이 위치해 있고, '경제성 고려' 요인만 별도로 떨어져 있다. 이러한 분석결과는 전통농업기술이 지속가능한 영농기술로 현대화, 지식재산권으로 보호받기 위해서는 현대과학의 과학적인 검증과 '경제성'을 고려한 검토가 필요하다는 것을 시사하는 것이다.