주거용 건물의 개별 환기시스템 필요성에 관한 연구

The Individual Heat-recovery ventilation system of Residential Buildings

  • Shin, U-Cheul (Dept. of Architecture Engineering, Daejeon Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Wang-Je (Solar Thermal Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ;
  • Yoon, Jong-Ho (Dept. of Architecture Engineering, Hanbat National Univ.) ;
  • Baek, Nam-Choon (Solar Thermal Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research)
  • 투고 : 2014.11.19
  • 심사 : 2014.12.22
  • 발행 : 2014.12.31


Recently supply of low energy house is increasing which can enhance energy efficiency and indoor environment comfort. Low energy house have to secure air tightness as well as thermal performance so house become high airtightness and inevitably need heat recovery ventilator to enhance indoor air quality. However, most of current ventilation systems are one-click, controlling the entire space so it causes increasing of heating load and fan power which makes it hard to save energy. Thus, Individual Control system is required which can achieve both enhancing indoor air quality and decreasing heating load and electric fan power. Thereby, in this study, we analyzed the correlation between ventilation and fan power through mock-up experiment and measured ventilation load under individual control system. As a result, under the condition of $24^{\circ}C$ of indoor temperature for 6 month(November to April) in Daejeon, ventilation load by fan speed was $10.9{\sim}19.6kWh/m^2{\cdot}a$ when operated 24 hours and $7.6{\sim}13.7kWh/m^2{\cdot}a$ when operated 12 hours in night time. In addition, it is possible to reduce at most 60% of ventilation load under the individual control system; measured ventilation load was $7.4kWh/m^2{\cdot}a$ when operated 24 hours, and $5.5kWh/m^2{\cdot}$ when operated 12 hours in night time.



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