Expected problems for storytelling mathematics education and some suggestions

스토리텔링 수학수업의 예상되는 문제점과 해결방법의 모색

  • Kim, Yon Mi (Department of Basic Science, Hong Ik University)
  • Received : 2013.09.02
  • Accepted : 2013.11.12
  • Published : 2013.11.30


Inspite of many strengthens of storytelling mathematics education, some problems are expected: when math is taught in concrete contexts, students may have trouble to extract concepts, to transfer to noble and abstract contexts, and they may experience inert knowledge problem. Low achieving students are particularly prone to these issues. To solve these problems some suggestions are made by the author. These are analogous encoding and progressive formalism. Using analogous encoding method students can construct concepts and schema more easily and transfer knowledge which shares structural similarity. Progressive formalism is an effective way of introducing concepts progressively moving from concrete contexts to abstract context.



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