Causes of Change Orders in the Military Facility Construction Projects and Suggestions for Improvement

군사시설 건설사업의 설계변경 요인분석 및 개선방향

  • Lee, Kyoung-Han (Department of Architectural Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul Campus) ;
  • Choi, Jong-Soo (Department of Architectural Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul Campus)
  • Received : 2012.12.03
  • Accepted : 2013.03.14
  • Published : 2013.06.20


Change orders have been widespread in both the private and public construction sectors. In particular, in the case of G2B (Government to Business) contracts, adjustment of contract price and/or schedule extension is a frequent occurrence due to change orders. To uncover the causes of change orders and suggest an appropriate strategy, this study analyzed 296 cases of change orders in military facility construction projects from 2008 to 2010. The analysis revealed that the major causes of change orders are users' additional requirements (28.38%), a change of finishing materials (23.99%), and change of footing type (17.57%), in that order. Building on the results of this analysis, the authors suggest plans for practical improvements. Specific recommendations include 1) reflect user requirements at the early stage, 2) minimize the use of additional budget due to change orders, and 3) reduce the process and time for contract amendment, among others. The results of this study may provide significant implications to those involved in military construction projects, particularly project owners (i.e., the Ministry of Defense) and contractors.



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  1. A Study on Change order factor analysis for military facility projects vol.17, pp.2, 2016,