A Survey of Research on Human-Vehicle Interaction in Defense Area

국방 분야의 인간-차량 인터랙션 연구

  • Yang, Ji Hyun (Department of Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University) ;
  • Lee, Sang Hun (Department of Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University)
  • 양지현 (국민대학교 자동차공학과) ;
  • 이상헌 (국민대학교 자동차공학과)
  • Received : 2013.04.15
  • Accepted : 2013.05.13
  • Published : 2013.06.01


We present recent human-vehicle interaction (HVI) research conducted in the area of defense and military application. Research topics discussed in this paper include: training simulation for overland navigation tasks; expertise effects in overland navigation performance and scan patterns; pilot's perception and confidence on an overland navigation task; effects of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) supervisory control on F-18 formation flight performance in a simulator environment; autonomy balancing in a manned-unmanned teaming (MUT) swarm attack, enabling visual detection of IED (Improvised Explosive Device) indicators through Perceptual Learning Assessment and Training; usability test on DaViTo (Data Visualization Tool); and modeling peripheral vision for moving target search and detection. Diverse and leading HVI study in the defense domain suggests future research direction in other HVI emerging areas such as automotive industry and aviation domain.



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