The clinical aspects of intoxication can be similar to those of drug hypersensitivity syndrome, including desquamation, hematologic abnormalities, multiple organ failure, and even death. Many people consume mushrooms that they collect in the mountains, and consequently, the incidence of poisonous mushroom intoxication is increasing. Podostroma cornu-damae is a poisonous mushroom not well-known to the public that contains trichothecene, a deadly poison. It is difficult to differentiate P. cornu-damae from other edible mushrooms, especially young Ganoderma lucidum. Therefore, the general public should be aware of the dangers of indiscreet ingestion of mushrooms. When physicians treat patients presenting clinical symptoms similar to those of drug hypersensitivity reaction following the intake of mushrooms, poisonous mushroom intoxication must be taken into consideration. We report this case together with a literature review, as we experienced one P. cornu-damae intoxication case showing similar clinical aspects to drug hypersensitivity syndrome.
73세 남자 환자가 건강원에서 동충하초와 버섯으로 만든 술을 복용하고 하루 뒤에 발생한 얼굴 표피탈락과 구강점막염을 주소로 내원하였다. 약물과민성증후군 의심하에 치료하였으나, 환자 사망 이후에 버섯의 성분 분석 결과에서 독버섯으로 알려진 붉은사슴뿔버섯이 확인되었다. 저자들은 약물과민성증후군과 유사한 임상양상을 보인 붉은사슴뿔버섯 중독 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.