수학적 사고에 동원되는 두뇌 영역들과 이의 교육학적 의미

Mathematical thinking, its neural systems and implication for education

  • Kim, Yeon Mi (Department of Basic Science, Hong Ik University)
  • 투고 : 2012.08.08
  • 심사 : 2013.01.22
  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


What is the foundation of mathematical thinking? Is it logic based symbolic language system? or does it rely more on mental imagery and visuo-spatial abilities? What kind of neural changes happen if someone's mathematical abilities improve through practice? To answer these questions, basic cognitive processes including long term memory, working memory, visuo-spatial perception, number processes are considered through neuropsychological outcomes. Neuronal changes following development and practices are inspected and we can show there are neural networks critical for the mathematical thinking and development: prefrontal-anterior cingulate-parietal network. Through these inquiry, we can infer the answer to our question.



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