도시 집합주거단지의 고밀화에 따른 개방성 변화에 관한 연구

A Study on the Transition of Openness due to the High-Density of Urban Housing Complex

  • 이재영 (상지영서대학교 도시조경인테리어과)
  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


The density of Korean urban housing complexes is constantly increasing. In this process obstructive problems have been continuously raised and a lot of effort was made to secure a variety of openness in order to overcome obstructive problems. The latest trend of high-density as well as the urban housing complexes has led to a set of public service discussions. Therefore, this research proceeded with the study regarding the change of openness within the range of the openness of urban housing complexes in terms of the neighborhood environment. The research team examined through a set of case studies how the urban housing complexes considered the openness of the neighborhood environment within the periodical changes in the environment of apartments. Also, the research team investigated how the openness of plan techniques influenced the latest high-density trend. The research team was able to identify the desirable residential development, which the urban housing complexes should aim. Also, the purpose of this study is to identify the nature of openness a neighborhood environment should have as a part of the urban residential community.



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