Control of Water Foxtail in the Cultivating Barley and Wheat before Harvesting Rice

벼 수확 전 파종 사료맥류 재배 시 뚝새풀 방제효과

  • Im, Il-Bin (Bio-Plant Environment Research Center BI center, Honam University) ;
  • Im, Bo-Hyeok (Bio-Plant Environment Research Center BI center, Honam University) ;
  • Park, Jea-Hyeon (Bio-Plant Environment Research Center BI center, Honam University) ;
  • Jang, Jun Hyeong (Bio-Plant Environment Research Center BI center, Honam University)
  • 임일빈 ((주)바이오식물환경연구소) ;
  • 임보혁 ((주)바이오식물환경연구소) ;
  • 박재현 ((주)바이오식물환경연구소) ;
  • 장준형 ((주)바이오식물환경연구소)
  • Received : 2013.10.29
  • Accepted : 2013.12.19
  • Published : 2013.12.31


This study was conducted to develop an efficient control method for water foxtail in the field sowing barley and wheat seeds before rice harvesting. When thifensulfuron-methyl (75%) was applied 0, 5 and 10 days after rice harvesting, little phytotoxicity was observed on both barley and wheat. Percent of water foxtail control with thifensulfuron-methyl (75%) was more than 88% at three different application timing. When butachlor (5%) was applied 5 days before barley and wheat sowing, phytotoxicity on barley and wheat was severe. However, no phytotoxicity was observed on barley and wheat 5 and 10 days after rice harvesting. Percent of water foxtail control with butachlor 0 and 5 days after rice harvesting was 85-89%. However, it dropped to 74-80% when applied 10 days after rice harvesting. In the thifensulfuron-methyl treatment, the dry matter of barley and wheat was 96-108% and 100-108%, respectively when compared with untreated control. While, in the butachlor treatment, the dry matter of barley and wheat was 53-73% and 106%, respectively when compared with untreated control. Therefore, we recommend thifensulfuron-methyl (75%) 0-10 days after rice harvesting or butachlor (5%) 5 days after rice harvesting to provide efficient water foxtail control and safe barley and wheat production.

본 시험은 벼 수확 전에 사료맥류를 파종 재배할 경우 뚝새풀을 방제하고자 수행되었다. Thifensulfuron-methyl(75%) 입상수화제를 벼 수확 직후, 수확 후 5일, 수확 후 10일에 처리한 결과, 보리와 밀 모두 약해는 거의 없었으며, 뚝새풀의 방제 효과는 각 처리 시기 모두 88% 이상이었다. Butachlor (5%) 입제를 맥류 파종 전 5일, 벼 수확 직후, 수확 후 5일, 수확 후 10일에 처리한 결과, 파종 전 처리는 보리, 밀 모두 약해가 심했으나, 수확 후 5일 및 10일 처리에서 약해가 없었다. 뚝새풀의 방제효과는 벼 수확 직후 및 5일 후 처리까지는 보리, 밀 모두 85-89%, 10일 후 처리는 74-80% 이었다. Thifensulfuron-methyl의 처리에서 건물수량은 무처리에 비하여 보리는 96-108%, 밀은 100-108% 높았다. Butachlor의 수확직후 및 5일처리에서 건물수량은 무처리에 비하여 보리는 53-73% 이었으나, 밀은 106% 이상이었다. 따라서 벼 입모중 사료용 보리 및 밀 재배 시 잡초방제는 벼 수확 및 복토 직후, 5-10일에 thifensulfuron-methyl (75%) 입상수화제 처리 또는 벼 수확 및 복토 후 5일 butachlor (5%) 입제의 처리로 효과적인 뚝새풀의 방제로 안전하게 조사료를 생산할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.



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