Evaluation of Response Modification Factor of Steel Special Resisting Frame Building Before and After Retrofitted with Buckling Restrained Brace

비좌굴가새의 보강 전과 후의 철골 특수모멘트저항골조 건물의 R계수 평가

  • Shin, Jiuk (Building Research Dept., Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
  • Lee, Kihak (Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Sejong University) ;
  • Jo, Yeong Wook (Structural Team, Samsung C&T)
  • 신지욱 (한국건설기술연구원 공공건축연구본부) ;
  • 이기학 (세종대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 조영욱 (삼성물산 건설부문 주택사업부)
  • Received : 2012.04.25
  • Accepted : 2012.12.03
  • Published : 2013.01.02


This research presents that seismic performance of steel moment resisting frame building designed by past provision(UBC, Uniform Building Code) before and after retrofitted with BRB (Buckling-Restrained Brace) was evaluated using response modification factor (R-factor). In addition, the seismic performance of the retrofitted past building was compared with that specified in current provision. The past building considered two different connections: bilinear connection, which was used by structural engineer for building design, and brittle connection observed in past earthquakes. The nonlinear pushover analysis and time history analysis were performed for the analytical models considered in this study. The R-factor was calculated based on the analytical results. When comparing the R-factor of the current provision with the calculated R-factor, the results were different due to the hysteresis characteristics of the connection types. After retrofitted with BRBs, the past buildings with the bilinear connection were satisfied with the seismic performance of the current provision. However, the past buildings with the brittle connection was significantly different with the R-factor of the current provision.



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