PLS 회귀분석을 이용한 북촌한옥마을 이미지 영향요인 분석 - 내.외국인 관광객 비교분석을 중심으로 -

An Analysis on the Affecting Factors of the Image of Bukchon Hanok Village Using PLS Regression Analysis - Focus on Comparative Analysis for Korean and Foreign Visitors -

  • 안주호 (한양대 도시대학원, (주)예촌건축사 사무소) ;
  • 원제무 (한양대 도시대학원)
  • 투고 : 2013.08.01
  • 발행 : 2013.11.25


The main purpose of this study is analysing the influential factor toward an image of Bukchon Hanok Maeul(village). This work constituted to collect some survey of Koreans and foreigners who are visiting this village. After then it examined the influential factors of the images and compared them. The research used PLS regression analysis to resolve some problems like the number of sample and multicollinearity. According to the result, it was elicited that all indicators were important related with the image of Hanok for both Koreans and foreigners. Above all, it indicated that the most important essential images are a roof(1.396) among the Hanok images for Koreans and the street furnitures(1.599) between the institutional images for foreigners. therefore, we consider that this study may be based on improving the image and the community identity when planning on the development and preservation of Bukchon Hanok Maeul in the future.



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