비전문가에 의해 계획된 건강주택 사례들에 나타난 특성연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Healthy Houses Planned and Built by Non-experts People

  • Lee, Yeun Sook (Dept. of Interior Architecture & Built Environment, Yonsei Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Ji Hye (Dept. of Interior Architecture & Built Environment, Yonsei Univ.) ;
  • Ahn, Chang Houn (Dept. of Interior Architecture & Built Environment, Yonsei Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2013.09.16
  • 심사 : 2013.12.24
  • 발행 : 2013.12.31


As rapid aging society comes and people have growing interest in health, health issue has become an important value in modern society. The demand for healthy and comfortable residential environment has also increased and people themselves have made effort to build healthy residential environments. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of health housings planned and built by ordinary people. The study analyzed the contents of healthy houses that were broadcasted on TV with the title of healthy houses. Analyzed items were the planning elements and motives of building such healthy houses reflected in the samples of respective healthy houses. The result of the study revealed there were many examples of housings for healing purpose and the planning elements were in the order of architecture elements, natural elements, decoration elements, other elements and technical elements. While the experts usually put priority on technical elements for developing of healthy houses, ordinary people put priority on natural elements. This study comprehensively presents the overall characteristics of healthy houses which ordinary people pursue, on empirical basis. It is expected that this study will inspire to think about the desirable direction of healthy houses for the residents by comparing with or along with the concepts of housings that experts pursue.



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