영아 보육교사의 상해예방을 위한 감독과 자기 효능감 및 직무 스트레스의 관계 연구

The Relationships among Supervision Behaviors for Injury Prevention, Self-Efficacy, and Job Stress of Childcare Teachers for Infants

  • Kim, Hye Gum (Department of Child Care Education, Dongnam Health College)
  • 투고 : 2012.10.03
  • 심사 : 2013.06.23
  • 발행 : 2013.12.30


This study examined the relationship among supervision behaviors, self-efficacy, and job stress of childcare teachers for infants. This study also investigated whether the childcare teachers' supervision behaviors affected self-efficacy and job stress and whether their self-efficacy acted as a mediating effects on job stress and supervisory behaviors. The participants were 292 childcare teachers for infants in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The instruments utilized were the parent supervision attributes scale, Korean occupational stress scale, and teacher self-efficacy scale. The data analyzed by means of Pearson's correlation coefficients and hierarchical regression analysis. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis, Which Baron & Kenny first proposed, was conducted. The significance of the mediation effect was verified by the Sobel test. The results were as follows: First, the childcare teachers' supervision behaviors had a positive correlation with the teachers' self-efficacy, while the teachers' supervision behaviors and self-efficacy had a negative correlation with job stress. Second, job stress appeared to have a negative on supervision behaviors. Self-efficacy appeared to have a positive effect on supervision behaviors. Third, the mediating effect of self-efficacy was verified in the relationship between supervision behaviors and job stress. The more self-efficacy the childcare teachers had, the more supervision behaviors they performed. The greater their self-efficacy, the more the childcare teachers were able to control job stress. Therefore, by enhancing the self-efficacy of childcare teachers, their level of supervision behaviors should increase and their level of job stress should decrease.



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