북송 동경 변량성의 조영과 특징

The characteristics of capital city plan of the BianLieng palace, the Dongjing Walled Town (東京城), the Northern song Dynasty

  • Dashu, Qin (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.01
  • 심사 : 2012.08.30
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


송대는 정치 경제 그리고 문화를 통틀어 중국 역사상의 중요한 전환기이며, 정치제도와 경제체제, 사상의식과 문화특징 등 모든 면에서 중요한 변혁이 있었다. 이러한 변화는 대부분 당대(唐代) 후기에 시작되어 북송시기에 완성되었다. 물론 그 발전이 비교적 긴 과정을 거쳤지만, 그 변화는 거대하고도 본질적인 것이었다. 때문에 각 분야의 제도에 비교적 강력하게 나타났으며, 그 가운데 도성의 조직체계와 특징에서 더욱 뚜렷하게 드러난다. 송대 정치제도 변화의 핵심은 동한(東漢) 이래 형성된 사족문벌제도(士族門閥制度)가 철저하게 붕괴되고 황제를 중심으로 긴밀하고 완벽한 관료체제가 형성되었다는 것으로, 송대는 고도로 집중된 중앙집권체제를 이루었다. 이는 대략 재상(宰相)집단의 형성, 중앙정권의 권력분화, 황제의 지방통제 강화, 관리선출과 과거제도의 개선 등의 내용을 포괄한다. 이로부터 황제는 전 분야에 뻗치는 막강한 권력을 쥐게 되었으며, 각종 제도의 제정은 황제의 권력과 지위 강화라는 목적으로 직결되지 않는 것이 없었다. 동시에 송대는 경제가 고도로 발전한 시기로, 농촌에서는 조전제(租田制)를 핵심으로 하는 생산구조가 형성되어 농업발전이 극대화되었고, 만당(晩唐) 시기부터 농업과 수공업 기술의 발전에 힘입어 상품경제의 발전이 가속화되기 시작하여, 송대에 이르러서는 상업의 사회경제적 위상이 크게 향상되고 나아가 도시경제체계를 형성하게 되었다. 정치제도의 변화와 경제적 발전이 각종 도시제도의 형성에 영향을 미친 것이다. 이 글에서는 1980년대 초기 이후로 북송 동경 변량성(東京 지금의 河南省 開封市)에 대해 진행된 고고학적 작업을 정리하고, 또한 그 성과에 근거하여 북송 동경 변량성의 특징을 간략하게 종합해 보고자 한다.

The Northern Song Dynasty Period (北宋時代) was a drastic transitional era in all aspect of Chinese society including the politico-economic system, ideology and cultural trait. These changes that began in the late Tang (唐) Dynasty Period accomplished in the Northern Song Dynasty. In this phase, the fundamental change influenced in all institutional area; and among them, the capital city planning and its associating building technology to pile stone walls shows one of the significant change of those time. Based on the geographical factor, confluences of many rivers, the Kaifeing (開封) area where the BianLieng palace had developed as a political and economical centre since the Tang Dynasty when the Grand Canal was constructed. According to archaeological researches, the central city structure of Dongjing Walled Town was begun to plan in the late Tang Dynasty and formed in Five Dynasties. The fundamental functional change of city completed in the Midnorthern Song Dynasty. In spite of the relatively late beginning of archaeological investigations to Kaifeng Walled Town and Dongjing Walled Town due to unfavourable natural environment, excavations inaugurated since 1981 have achieved the significant investigations including the actual measurement and excavation to the outer wall, the preliminary excavation to the inner city area, the investigation and excavation to the royal palace of Song and the survey to the royal palace of King Zho in the Ming (明) Dynasty. These surveys have provide important data to reconstruct the 변량 palace, and elucidate the characteristics of city plan in the Dongjing Walled Town and the institutional change of capital city plan of the Northern Song Dynasty. The basic layout of Dongjing Walled Town reflect the realisation of ideality of the late Chinese medieval capital city structure that establish the commercial and economic centre based on the intensification of emperor's power by means of the organisation of ethical institution and the development of commercial economy. Firstly, the central place of the Kaifeng area is encircled with triple walls. This emphasise the authority of emperor located on the summit in the hierarchical ethic system succeeding to the main capital city plan of the late phase of ancient China. Secondly, the location of Dongjing Walled Town was decided by the transport network and the commercial function and defence function. Thirdly, this site shows the change of city structure and landscape of the Northern Song Dynasty. The closed Fengri (坊里: block) system transferred the open Jiexiang (街巷: road) system. Fourthly, the capital city was characterised by the free market trade and the diversification of market place. Fifthly, a convenient transport network in the Bian River, a centre of the Grand Canals, enabled to construct the Kaifeng Walled Town. Therefore, the Northern Song Dynasty continuously accomplished the developed water system as concerning about the utilisation of waterways after the construction of city.
