주민참여 도구로써 가로경관 디자인 가이드라인 구성 연구

A Study on The Structure and Contents of Streetscape Design Guideline as a Tool of Residents' Participation

  • 투고 : 2012.05.21
  • 심사 : 2012.08.11
  • 발행 : 2012.08.31


In order to create humanitarian living environment with sustainable ecological environment, urban regeneration project has been implemented recently seeking diverse methods for residents'participation stressing the process of communication with the residents changing from the existing one way planning by limited number of experts. Particularly, it is essential to develop systematic tools to promote the voluntary and positive participation of the residents because residents have to perform as the master of urban streetscape design project that requires sophisticated knowledge and experience and also because the residents have to function as sustainable maintainers and managers of their streetscape. This study intends to identify the organizational structure and major contents of design guideline as a tool to support the voluntary and positive participation of the residents in streetscape maintenance. For this purpose based on the structural system and characteristics of Chicago streetscape design guideline that was developed as tool for residents' participation, efforts were made to set up framework of design guideline for sustainable streetscape project with the users' participation with their overall understanding and trust. In detail, the author studied the resident participatory process for sustainable maintenance and management in a long term landscape project and the principle and theories of design planning for streetscape that supports the utilizing behaviors of the users, and how this information should be linked and organized to form the structure and contents of design guideline. As a tool supporting residents' participation and helping the residents perform the responsible function as sustainable maintainers and managers of their streetscape through social maturity with ontological sense of masters of their local community as they experience the gradual processes of their streetscape maintenance project, streetscape design guideline has its meaning in the efforts that tried to achieve deep participation of the residents through researches converging the two academic sectors of urban architecture and social psychology.



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