주의력결핍 과잉행동장애의 진단 보조도구로 뉴로가이드와 IVA + Plus의 유용성에 관한 예비연구

A Preliminary Evaluation of NeuroGuide and IVA + Plus as Diagnostic Tools for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • 양정인 (국립공주병원 정신건강의학과) ;
  • 김소율 (국립공주병원 뇌기능연구소) ;
  • 김영성 (국립공주병원 뇌기능연구소) ;
  • 이재원 (국립공주병원 정신건강의학과)
  • Yang, Jung-In (Department of Psychiatry, Gongju National Hospital) ;
  • Kim, So-Yul (Neuropsychiatry Research Laboratory, Gongju National Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Young-Sung (Neuropsychiatry Research Laboratory, Gongju National Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Jae-Won (Department of Psychiatry, Gongju National Hospital)
  • 투고 : 2011.09.01
  • 심사 : 2011.09.19
  • 발행 : 2012.02.29


Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the usability of IVA + Plus (Continuous Performance Test) and Neuro-Guide [Quantitative electroencephalography (EEG) normative database] as an auxiliary diagnostic tools for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods : The scores of IVA + Plus and resting EEG were obtained from 34 elementary school-aged children. Also, the Korean ADHD Rating Scale (K-ARS) and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children version IV (DISC-IV) was done for the parent of them. From the result of the DISC-IV, we divided them into three groups, ADHD Not Otherwise Specified (NOS), and Normal Control (NC). Using NeuroGuide, the z-scores of relative power for delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), and beta (12-25 Hz) were calculated. Then the correlation and variance analysis were done to investigate the differences between three groups. Results : The scores of IVA + Plus were negatively correlated with the K-ARS. IVA + Plus have successfully discriminated the ADHD from NC and NOS. The z-scores of relative power of delta and theta were positively correlated with the K-ARS. The z-scores of relative power of alpha and beta were negatively correlated with the K-ARS. Conclusions : The IVA + Plus and NeuroGuide QEEG test are expected to be used as the valuable tools for diagnosing ADHD accurately.



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