다면적 접근을 통한 대학의 좋은 수업 특성 분석

Analysis of Good College Teaching Characteristics by multi-faceted approach

  • 투고 : 2012.10.26
  • 심사 : 2012.12.21
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


As the college environment changes, the roles of professors and students should also be changed. And the way that we teach undergraduate students should also be changed. The purpose of this research is to analysis characteristics of good teaching methods in college as perceived by students and professors. We did content analysis to elicit the characteristics of good instruction from qualitative comments of 196 course evaluations, 195 excellent essays selected from 8 college essay competitions, and 72 teaching knowhow essays of professors. To see the difference of division in good instruction characteristics, we did frequency analysis by SPSS statistics program. According to the content analysis, the most essential characteristics of good instruction as perceived by the students and professors is teaching strategies. There were also differences in the fact of recognition transition by division and the students-professors.



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