관왕묘 의례 복식의 변천과 문화콘텐츠화 방안

The Changes of Ceremonial Costumes of the Guan Yu Shrine and the Method for their cultural contents

  • 박가영 (숭의여자대학 디자인계열 패션디자인전공)
  • 투고 : 2011.10.31
  • 심사 : 2012.02.23
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


The purpose of this research is to better understand the Dongmyo, the Eastern Shrine of GuanYu and the military costumes of the Joseon period andto develop different cultural contents. By studying relevant literature, confirmations were made about the various types of costumes and their historical changes. During the reign of King Yeongjo, the ceremonial conductors often wore armors, and the king wore a different military costume. During the reign of King Jeongjo thereafter, the ceremonial costumes were codified in the book, the Chun-gwan tonggo(General Outline for the Ministry of Rites), along with the costumes for the musicians and lower officials. However, the military features were weakened in the late Imperial Joseon years. In terms of costumes, it would be best today to restore the ceremonies of the Shrine of Guan Yu during the period of King Jeongjo. All the costumes for different figures of the Shrine are clearly confirmed, and by emphasizing the main features of the ceremonials of the Shrine, it is possible to differentiate the ceremony from other restoration activities in Korea. For the Guan Yu statue, the hat is square shaped and decorated with nine bead strings, it is dressed with a red dragon coat and a violet inner coat. This study presents methods for the restorations of the original costumes for the individual figures of the ceremonials, with necessary theoretical explanations. The king wears the lamella gold armor, while different ceremonial officials wear differentiated armors according to their different ranks. All the civil and military officials who attend the ceremony wear military clothes with horse's mane hats and swords. The musical conductor and directors are expected in armors and participating musicians also have to wear armors according to the Akhak Gwebeom (Basics of Music).



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  12. 英祖實錄, 卷64, 英祖 2年 8月 乙酉.
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  14. 光海君日記, 卷32, 光海君 2年 8月 丁酉.
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  18. 春官通考, 卷44, 吉禮 關王廟, 英祖 40年 6月 13日.
  19. 春官通考, 卷44, 吉禮 關王廟, 英祖 52年 2月.
  20. 正祖實錄 卷6, 正祖 2年 9月 戊子.
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  27. 大韓禮典序例, 卷1, 吉禮 中祀.
  28. 大韓禮典, 卷4, 俗部樂懸圖說 關王廟登歌.
  29. 度支準折, 45, 樂工服色, 度支部, 高宗代, 규장각 가람古 5127-3.
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  35. 中宗實錄, 卷82, 中宗 31年 8月 辛卯.
  36. 大東野乘, 卷53, 東閣雜記 上 本朝璿源寶錄 宣德 丙午年(世宗 8年,1426).
  37. 增補文獻備考, 卷109, 兵考.
  38. 正祖實錄, 卷29, 正祖 14年 2月 辛酉.
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  47. 正祖實錄, 卷32, 正祖 15年 1月 己丑.
  48. 正祖實錄, 卷38, 正祖 17年 9月 乙卯.
  49. 武藝圖譜通志, 卷4, 擊毬冠服圖說.
  50. 儀註謄錄, 續8, 丙午 9月 12日, 南關王廟奠酌禮親行仍詣慕華館瑞菍臺試射時出還宮儀.
  51. 顯宗實錄, 卷8, 顯宗 5年 3月 戊子.
  52. 燕山君日記, 卷29, 燕山君 4年 6月 庚辰.
  53. 中宗實錄, 卷45, 中宗 17年 8月 乙酉.
  54. 明宗實錄, 卷15, 明宗 8年 10 月丙申.
  55. 中宗實錄, 卷45, 中宗 17年 8月 乙酉.
  56. 正祖實錄, 卷38, 正祖 17年 10月 戊辰.
  57. 국립중앙박물관 편 (2002), 조선시대 풍속화, 서울: 국립중앙박물관, p. 23.
  58. 武藝圖譜通志, 卷4, 冠服圖說 擊毬冠服圖說 鬃笠.
  59. 武藝圖譜通志, 卷4, 紅貼裏.
  60. 正祖實錄, 卷38, 正祖 17年 10月 戊辰.
  61. 樂學軌範, 卷8, 定大業呈才儀物圖說 五色段甲.
  62. 樂學軌範, 卷9, 冠服圖說 黃畫甲.
  63. 樂學軌範, 卷8, 定大業呈才, 儀物圖說 冑.
  64. 大韓禮典, 卷4, 俗部樂懸圖說 關王廟登歌.

피인용 문헌

  1. 조선 중·후기 훈련도감(訓鍊都監)의 군사복식에 관한 연구 vol.63, pp.8, 2012,