제주도 천주교 공소 건축에 관한 연구

A study on the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church in Jeju

  • 김형남 (제주국제대학교 건축디자인학과) ;
  • 신석하 (제주국제대학교 건축디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


The main purpose of this study is to understand the existing and the architectural characteristics of the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church in Jeju. The method of this study is to research all the literature and to visit. The time of establishment of the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church in Jeju was mostly 1950's, and that time was the heyday of the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church that was built in Korean. Catholicism was spread throughout Jeju during this time, and in the process, the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church was built. The Secondary Stations of Catholic Church in Jeju are sited mostly in coastal villages, and especially Catholicism was actively spread throughout the west of Jeju and the a large number Secondary Stations of Catholic Church were built in the west of Jeju. The Secondary Stations of Catholic Church were built between the mid-1950's to the mid-1960's. The plan type is kept as plan shaped of straight shape. When made an enlargement of the interior space and altered, framework of the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church was generally maintained. The head of the side window and the front door have the same design characteristics. When the belfry is located, it is attached to an outer wall of the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church, or is located to the left or the right the front of the Secondary Stations of Catholic Church. The design of belfry found expression in various forms. The buttress are not located in the others but in Young-su Gong-So, and it has not the structural functions but the design functions.



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