A Study on the Feasibility analysis model for Housing Environment Improvement Project of Depressed region - Focused on the project by the public sector -

낙후지역 주거환경개선사업 타당성분석 평가모델 연구 - 공공(公共) 시행사업을 중심으로 -

  • 최정민 (서울시립대학교 대학원, LH) ;
  • 최찬환 (서울시립대학교 건축학부)
  • Published : 2012.02.25


The purpose of this study was to set and analyze the standard model for prioritizing and deciding to take part in housing environment improvement project in the perspective of the public sector. The results of this study were as follows. The location competitiveness, potential demand, marketability and competitive price, etc were selected by assessment indicators. And Various indicators, including of the size of the area, public transportation, accessibility, convenience of living and the influx of the population, were used by weights indexes. The profit of local residents and the public promoter, variability of earnings, sensitivity analysis and the ratio of money in reserve, etc were also established as detailed indexes for the profitability and business risk analysis. To analyze the cash flow of the project process and review the necessary capital in advance, the payback, total working expenses, gearing ratio and sensitivity of a risk, etc were also set as additional detailed indexes. Lastly, considering it is quasi-public projects, the measure to protect tenants, necessity need of redevelopment and local government's will were additionally used by indexes. And Points were distributed on the importance of each index and scored out of 100. It will allow for the public project promoter to decide rationally whether to come in on the project. The public project promoter like the Korea Land and Housing Corporation will be able to make use of various indexes are based on this study to make decision whether joining the housing environment improvement project in depressed region.



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